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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Anyone know what the most frequented web forum for buckeye football fans is? Thanks in advance.
  2. I feel the same way, it hard to stay motivated, but I have a somewhat decent job, I know school is important, and I know what I'd LIKE to be doing after school.
  3. Always trying to start a war when you know I got nothin but love for your sweet chubby a$s.
  4. Oh well then, it must be true.
  5. Ashley Simpson, no one else even compares.
  6. Big Ben is a total Prick. Friend of mine played with him at MU.
  7. As it's been said many times, 60% of this board doesnt have a car that runs 13.0. Your "friend" (I know this to be a lie because the thought of you having friends is preposterous and comical) can suck my dick. "His" opinions matter to me about as much as snow in Alaska does. I posted this because there is a common opinion around people who have been around for awhile that the board has been taken over by witless illiterates. Sorry that I attempted a somewhat cynical stab at helping out, I'll make sure to check with you and your incredibly amazing car next time I feel like posting and don't own a mid-life crisis car.
  8. nelsonville is close to me. Where do you work in Nelsonville?
  9. Not in the least. Jesus hits way harder than I do.
  10. Don't make Jesus punch you in the stomach.
  11. There are some people on this board that could help you change their minds about a warranty I'm sure.
  12. Cicero once said: "It is an outrageous abuse of both time and literature for a man to commit his thoughts to writing without having the ability either to arrange them or elucidate them, or attract readers by some charm of style." It is with this in mind that I submit a request to you all: Stop posting absolute garbage. If you can't coherently convey what you have on your mind, then do not waste the time of everyone browsing this web forum with poorly put together profanity or completely illegible brain vomit. While Columbus Racing may be a far cry from the audience that Cicero intended this quote for, there are still a number of regular members who enjoy a good story, joke, or even something as simple as a paragraph without grammatical errors. So, in closing, I ask you all once again to stop and proof-read your posts, making sure that whomever comes across them will at least be able to know what language you're speaking before you click on the little "add reply" button.
  13. This thread is awesome. I wish we had a rep system so I could give boost-n-juice sixty million rep points.
  14. XBC is WAYYY better than XBL because you can choose your own maps and gametypes, instead of gay ass matchmaking.
  15. Zack Flack Mack in a Shack, what a Hack, Jack.
  16. Could you fix the sink in my bathroom?
  17. I would still Have my TII and it'd probably have a v8 in it...
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