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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. VEE-TAX?!?!? Oh, Sorry... Wrong thread.
  2. hmmmm, I Think that survey is a tad biased....
  3. jebus, a probe and then a VR4?
  4. yeuh, PM me your number and i'll call you when I get home.
  5. I thought it was a two week thang?
  6. Hahah yeah, my boss told me how to cook the scallops, as thats the one seafood I've never been able to get right. He told me to get the oil ripping hot, drop each scallop down, then pick each one up and give it a quarter rotation, then set it back down. Get's a nice caramelized crust on it, and still cooks it through... needless to say when I went home and made the dish, the scallops were perfect. Who did you learn from?
  7. You seem like more of a traditionalist. I'm very in to new-age methods, and i try and use a fusion of both asian and french styles in saucing and presentation. It would really be an interesting clash if you and I were to have an iron chef-style competition. One thing I suck at: Desserts.
  8. VERY impressive, I like your style.
  9. Ho-tel urrybody, even da mayuh, reach up in da sky fo da ho-zone layuh...
  10. And then we;ll take away the right to listen to music while driving, and make loud air conditioning illegal, and, and....
  11. Anything goin on? I'll be getting home from Medina...
  12. OMG PROBE. Buy a motorcycle, homeboy.
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