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Posts posted by Primera

  1. Is it just me or did his age go from 17, to 21?


    Yeah, looks like he's a big boy now.


    Kid, you are a dipshit. There's a lot more to going turbo than just turbos and BOV. Read up on how a turbo motor actually works before you go spouting off about shit you know nothing about ;)


    Good luck with the future project

  2. because its BETTER. sr20s are wimpy. ka24s have just that, .4 litre more. and you can just keep the motor in the car and not have to swap anything. they become monsters :burn:


    The KA is a truck engine. Do more research on the SR20 and get a GTi-R motor.

  3. At Best Buy today, I stood at the front as they pulled 60+ 60gb PS3s out to the front and saw no one get one for the half hour I was there. Not a single one. Sony FTL


    Forza 2 will be great, especially with this

  4. I hate when some one texts you from a phone that has a keyboard, but they are fully aware that you have a razr with no keyboard and expect a response. "Oh how I could just kill a man." I can never type on my razr, I know I am stupid.


    In general, I think it's dumb that people would rather type out a message (taking a minute or two to accomplish) on a phone than just call the person. The only exception I see fit would be in class or at work. Even then, I'd still just call the person.

  5. This is the lamest thread I've seen on the forum. An organized "e-battle".. wow.


    Seems that you are always trying to prove yourself to people by bashing people on the internet. Sweet dude! Well, I'm sure you're used to seeing this picture:



    Have fun bashing people for their grammar, as that seems to be all the material you got these days.


    Here, I'll give you a start.. I drive a 4 cylinder and I used to live in Grove City.

  6. ..you know come spring there's going to be all kinds of footage. :cool:


    Dude! I'll be your camera man! I'll just ride shotgun and we can hang out. We'll discuss everything financially you've done with the car because you owe me that and I know you care. We're BFFs, right?! RIGHT?! :p




    Alright, I'm done. Congrats on being able to finally take the car out (although it seems its still got a bit to go til it's really finished). I'm real interested to see what it puts down after some tuning

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