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Everything posted by Lojik

  1. Lojik


    all the bulbs are working, it just seems that wires are getting crossed and the electricity is getting sent to the wrong bulbs (i.e my brake light will blink when i have my right signal on, then when i hit the brakes it will turn the brake light solid along with my turn signal light). I'm going to have it checked out this week, but i may end up PMing them
  2. Lojik


    Does anyone know about Honda lighting? My damn brake lights and turn signals are all screwed. When I brake with my right signal on, it speeds up, and if i have my lights on also it just goes solid. I bought all new sockets and harnesses from Immke and have tried to fix it. I am reluctant to take it to the dealer to have it worked on because they charge $65/hour for labor. If you have any ideas on what is causing this and any ways on how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate it!
  3. Lojik


    I've noticed on my Civic that there is a little gas leaking from the connection between the engine and the fuel injectors. Also, there is a little leakage from the end of my fuel rail. If anyone knows what will seal these up for me, please let me know, thanks.
  4. Hmm. . .sounds like a summer project. Any other ideas on gaining power from a 4-banger?
  5. I have a b16a2 vtec in my civic. I am trying to find some ways to add more power. It has a few mods (air intake, headers, ignition, fuel rails, pump, regulator. . .) I was told it is pretty tricky and not worth the money to turbo a vtec engine. let me know what you guys think. thanks.
  6. Lojik

    Burnt Clutch

    I've done some power shifting without any problems, but i also have an excellent after-market clutch and new tranny, so i guess it doesnt count.
  7. Lojik

    Burnt Clutch

    nope, it just overheated
  8. Well, I think it's time for a new clutch. What do you guys recommend for a Honda? I am wanting something pretty durable and possibly better for power shifting/racing. Let me know, thanks! False Alarm! smile.gifsmile.gif [ 24 May 2002, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: Lojik ]
  9. Kraft Autobody near downtown Columbus
  10. You can try thepartstrader.com or just do a search for honda parts. I good, low mileage, b16 will probably run anywhere from $1300 - $2500? Correct me if I'm wrong guys.
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