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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. For anyone misguided enough to attemmpt such a thing: Just get road runner, removing the filter is easy. its just a mater of where they put it. Wehn you get road runner installed, wait a week or 2 so the time warner inspector can come out and verify the install was done properly, then remove it later. the rarely check, if ever after the inital inspection. The filter tap itself is just a silver "can" about 3 inces long and an inch in diamter that is installed in the cable line, uses standard coax cable ends, and takes about 30 seconds to remove with simple tools (carecent wrench, leatherman, ect)
  2. get road runner, take the filter tap out of the line, get free basic (2-70ish) cable. not that I would ever suggest actually tampering with the cable system.
  3. microsoft antispyware beta does a good job also.
  4. damnit, you beat me to it. Bet your ass if I was grandpa and I wasnt invited, someone would be gettin thier ass whipped. Wish I would have gotten something like that for my 16th. To bad the cops had to get involved. Besides, its not like she gave him a "special" birthday treat or anything. "Hey Sassy, blow on this candle"
  5. From work, state headquarters for tha Army.
  6. After years of shampo bottles, I dont think "narrowly escaped" is the corect terminoligy. More like "fell out of his ass when he was trying to hold in a fart"
  7. Isolationisim (sp) damn skippy its a good policy. Fuck the rest of the world. We arent good enough for them? they can do without our filthy money then to.
  8. Way to much free time on thier hands.
  9. Noting in the world like a good ass whippin to set a kid straight.
  10. A bunch of men holding hands. Sounds like marc's cup of tea.
  11. graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif
  12. any small block should ba a drop in replacement. What is wrong with the engine that is in it? If it is the orignal motor for that car, tell him it may be better to rebuild it, so it stays a numbers matching car, and is worth more.
  13. Lustalbert

    Google Earth

    some of the iraq photos are rather new. I could zoom in on some of the fobs i was at and pick out the building i was in, and some of the tents.
  14. wow, those things are still on ebay. Thats fucking awesome. I remember when they where re-packaging bilge fans from boats and selling them as bolt on power.
  15. depends on if you are selling it or buying it. bumptastic while im at it.
  16. Lustalbert

    Who is?

    prety much. we will need to see some pics posted to verify now. Of th3 boobs, not the jergins.
  17. Holy shit dude. I hope nothing bad has happened.
  18. Join the army. The national guard pays 100% of tuition at state schools.
  19. also keeps a little more heat out of your engine bay.
  20. graemlins/leghump.gif all weekend graemlins/nod.gif
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