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Black ITR Guy

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Everything posted by Black ITR Guy

  1. low 12's is what i like to hear out of a "four banger"
  2. [/qb] It's not bad until you gotta turn.. h22's are heavier than shit, and that crx would have understeer like a mofo. [/QB] i understand, but i meant for the drag strip.
  3. excellent post for the beginning drag fan
  4. im honestly surprised that nobody has asked the big question of what the car is gonna be used for is it gonna be used for a drag car, auto-x, or just a daily driver. (do tell) but its always been in the back of my mind .........just because i like the drag racing thing.........to put a h-22 or an h-23 in a crx. the thought of an engine that makes that much more torque than its origainal motor, in a car that small makes me smile. graemlins/burnout.gif
  5. i had this problem also and that is the solution. mine always happend if it was kinda a chilly morning, the lubricant on the the sensor would be kinda stiff and wouldnt let the sensor release
  6. i heard if you do it you have way to much time on your hands
  7. i say stick with what you got. the b18 is a really good engine. you would be surprised how much this engine can do power wise. plus its already in and you would have to take all the time and money to replace and swap when you could prob just get around the same improvements out of the b series motor.
  8. make sure you get the bit hammer and have some one really dumb hang on to what ever you decide to hit tongue.gif
  9. there is nothing but love here
  10. i asked you that the other day you dick and i wanted to make that topic
  11. to be honest with you i totally forgot about that model. it controls fuel air and vtec. do you think that would be better for my car?
  12. to be honest with you i totally forgot about that model. it controls fuel air and vtec. do you think that would be better for my car?
  13. well thanks for all the feed back if i can scratch up the nessary funds i think ill probably be pickin one up. thanks again
  14. i know im probably gonna get alot of crap from alot of guys on this one but im gonna ask anyways cuz i have been wonderin this for awhile. im thinking about buying an apexi vtec controler, and i was wondering about how hard it was to tune. and what rpm should i set it to engage at. now i know everyone isnt blessed with vtec so this kinda only goes out to the import guys, but im sure the domestic men will to let me know what they think about vtec. thats ok cuz im new and i prob deserve.
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