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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. "Bigger gubmint vs smaller gubmit", just buzz words to tack onto a campaign slogan that ultimately have no real meaning what so ever. "I'm for smaller governement" "the fuck does that mean, John?" "Well..umm...back in Vietnam... ehh, my record...umm...MAVERICK!"
  2. No, unless you consider a prius to be more capable because it's efficient. YOu dropped allot of buzz words, let me ask from another angle: Why does government exist?
  3. This thread makes me feel ill, does that count?
  4. Anyone trying to sell you something simple is trying to take something from you. Any claim that the root of a problem is simple should be treated the same as a claim that the root of a problem is Bigfoot. Simplicity and Bigfoot are found in the real world with about the same frequency. Things are complex, you have to bread more than a cute story by Ann Coulther to know what's going on.
  5. Not when their mass creates a safety hazard. As a righty, don't you think that heavier people should pay more for their plane tickets?
  6. What's the difference between "bigger" and "more capable"?
  7. Expanding on that, you might get the point. The left wing candidate has had contact with left wing extremists. The right wing candidate has had dealings with right wing extremists.
  8. I learned this years ago, shortly after listening to AC/DC's "Whole lotta woman", (who was said to weigh 16st).
  9. Umm, excuse me? Both parties embrace some practices that were also embraced by the communist party. Dems like the socialist hippy side Republicans like the iron fisted, media controlling, open surveillin', civic-rights-denying-in-the-purported-interest-of-security side. I'll side with the hippies, kthnxbai
  10. I've associated with a number of convicted felons. Didn't know they were, but according to you, that doesn't matter. Palin directly and knowingly associated with Alaska secessionists and witch hunters, and McCain served on the board of directors for the organization that carried out some of the most unscrupulous acts of the Iran Contra scandal. Do you really want to play the guilt-by-association game? I'm leaving out allot.
  11. 50/50 His style was boxing, but he had more than one person to deal with. In the ring, you're more focused because you can be. Something like this, you're using wide-sight, and dealing with centers of movement rather than specific points. Backing up helped him up quite a bit, if you keep moving away from the attackers, it keeps them all in front of you. He got lucky in that they all sucked and all just kept filing in front of him.
  12. Reagan administration: It's the commies! Bush Sr. administration: It's Iraq! Bush Jr. administration: It's the terrorists! McCain administration: It's the witches!? THAT'S NOT EVEN ORIGINAL! Cliffs for those who don't want to read: Like I said, the "guilt by association" game is not one that anyone can play and win.
  13. Its nicer than saying "they lost 170lb between them and they still look a bit fat". Good on them, though.
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1066989/The-airline-diet-Couple-lose-12st-plane-heavy.html?ITO=1490 C'mon, you didn't think this would happen in America, did you?
  15. Brandon, you haven't bothered to read or listen to a single thing Obama has said, have you? Most frustrating thing about election year: People who listen only to what they want to hear.
  16. He doesn't hate them, he doesn't beleive they exist.
  17. http://www.santafenewmexican.com/National%20News/Unleashed--Palin-makes-a-pit-bull-look-tame Weapons of Mass Distraction ACTIVATE!
  18. There's a difference between being a Dem and being profoundly annoyed. You don't need to affiliate with a party to distrust the GOP. McCain had my vote, and he lost it with this bullshit campaign.
  19. Jesus tap dancing christ, stop bringing this up. This is the third time and each successive time makes the poster look like a bigger tool.
  20. ACLU, make a good case and they hook you up for free. They've got little else to do.
  21. Vid should be titled "I want my inheritance now!"
  22. At least we're not lonely! Everyone took a shit today. From what you hear, you'd expect Paternoster Square to be littered with dead.
  23. Economic Left/Right: -5.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54 http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-5.50&soc=-1.54 Damn, more hippy than I thought I was. lol
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