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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RTjppytFhY here?
  2. Umm... that's a good thing if you're selling oil. Dropping production raises prices and profits. Reading that, it sounds like he's doing what benefits his administration and the American writer is trying to spin it in a propagandical kinda way.
  3. lady gets called by obama supporter spaming for votes lady gets mad and bitches at caller, saying obama lets babies die in hospitals. caller reports her to secret service, saying she threatened to kill obama in a hospital. yall gotta uh'nunci8 wenz yall tawkin on tha fone.
  4. No limits on fans, and I've god a wicked one. Water wetter is a grey area, most won't allow it. No one really checks, but if they need to clean anything special up, you get fined.
  5. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.printable&pageId=77825 How about this: You know what you say on your cell phone is often tough to understand, don't mention death or killing in any way when refering to a presidential candidate. Kthnxbai. It's a stupid story, but easy to understand. It's posted because it's hilarious how that columnist is reacting to it. "OMG THEY CAME FOR HER!" They stopped by and interviewed her, smoke some pot and calm the fuck down.
  6. Cool, but forbidden. We're allowed only water, they don't want anything slick or tough to clean up. The Jegs radiator is one of the first I'd considered. If it's primarily an aiflow problem, I may just get that one.
  7. Something I've considered doing is; setting a smoke bomb in front of the radiator and running the fan. If the smoke doesn't come pouring out somewhere, then I have an airflow issue.
  8. I was blasted in the face by 200deg coolant this weekend, the Cougar is telling me something. (liquid tan is BS, but liquid sunburn does work!) I ran at Putnam Park for 2 days and boiled the cooland multiple times. At pace, I never saw less than 210deg. I'm looking fo a radiator to replace the OEM copper that's in the car. Granted, anything will be better than that, but I'm looking for the best bang/buck ratio. I'd like to drop things 10-20deg if possible without adding 8 gallons of coolant. What kind of drop can be expected from a dimensionally identical aluminum radiator? What are the economical options for going beyond OEM dimensions? Other mods will follow, looking ar louvering the hood, or otherwise direction air out the top-rear of the engine bay. Thanks!
  9. No It changes for every car, period. You need to know gearing, hp, drag coef, driveline loss, power band vs gearing, etc. Several German cars do 180+, 2 and 4 door, even a wagon or two.
  10. http://www.iheartchaos.com/2008/10/08/amazing-tilt-shift-time-lapse-videos-photography/
  11. I don't have a criminal record, can I has some thermobaric weapons plzKthanxbai? I use them for pest control.
  12. http://www.kxly.com/Global/story.asp?S=9145810&nav=menu683_2_7 What's next!?
  13. Even McCain has voted to make getting guns a bit harder. I agree with him, I'm juss'sayin'. And no, akshully, we're born from the Musket.
  14. ... leaving steaming piles all over the press, like this one: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/09/politics/main4511568.shtml
  15. K THAAAANNNXXX! I shopped there all the time when they were in the Polaris mall, I thought they shut down for good. Glad to hear they just moved.
  16. fack I dunno, ask the NRA. They're backing him this year, despite disagreeing with him on plenty. lol
  17. Or adults, given their size. Diet wuld have been similar to modern squid and octopi': fish, crustaceans, pretty much anything with muscle tissue in it some where.
  18. Be sure to thank him for keeping it easy to get the guns you need for your revolution.
  19. Yes you should. Without your seatbelt, you are a X00lb unsecured load hauling downt he highway at 80mph. If you biff it, I don't want your carcass coming into my vehicle. There have been many deaths from this, you buckle up because you are a projectile. Governemnt protects it's people from what? Everything that threatens their well being, right?
  20. See, Iran can work with western "nations".
  21. So, I've been finding lots of ammonite fossils in a Dublin creek bed, and thought "hey, this fist-sized one is pretty big". For those not savy, these are the things that look like squids stuffed into snail shells. So anyways, curiously I decide to see how big they get. I think "fuckin amazing" sums it up pretty well: http://www.bcfossils.ca/images/index.jpg http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/9527/intro1ls8.jpg Don't go back in time, stay out of the water.
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