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Science Abuse

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Posts posted by Science Abuse

  1. Until you have to come in for supplies.


    Oh and don't drop anchor.

    No need to drop anchor, I heave-to. ;)


    Supplies like what? Not only can a boat half that size be stocked for well over a year of shore-free travel, but the sea can provide all the water and nutrition you need.


    Mobility in a post-apocalyptic world will be paramount.

  2. I'm taking a weekend trip to Ciudad Mexico and I need communication while I'm there.

    I went to Switzerland last year with assurances from T Mobile that my phone would work. It didn't.

    I sprechen a bit, so I wasn't fucked there.

    I do NOT habla, so I need to be in touch with my contacts in Mexico.


    What is the simplest, cheapest, SUREST way to do that for 4 days? I dont want to get kidnapped.

  3. I shall get to this one, I'm having withdraws from missing the last couple.


    ...and I'll try not to make Clay uncomfortable again, sorry Clay.


    I'll make up for it Clay. ;)


    I'm bringing the Mark VIII out this time.

  4. Arguing about who's fault the accident was/will be won't put the blood back into your lifeless husk.

    I ride like I drive; under the assumption that no one else knows what the fuck they are doing.


    Anyone doing the TOSRV this weekend?

  5. A bicycler got hurt on mink road yesterday, dunno if they got hit or what. I drove past an ambulance and about 4 sheriff cars. Remember, cars going 60 through hills and turns aren't going to see you until its too late, so don't be that guy I see all the time riding in the middle of the road. Stay right or better yet find roads that are actually wide enough to have a shoulder. Mink is deteriorating to the point that there are a lot of places where I'm driving across the center line so I'm not bending my wheels in the craters


    Perfectly logical advice, smart, not incendiary, a fair warning that conditions are not safe.




    People will flame you for that.

  6. There are a dozen or more here that do it every Saturday on 270 with not a fuck given. Hell, I bet many go well over 150mph on multiple occasions. For the record, no I'm not one of them.


    That is certainly a thing that has happened..... however, that's not a standing mile. I've got a toy that I have every confidence is good for 170/180 depending on setup, but thats going to take a flying 2 mile run.


    MS3 = Mazda Speed3? Hatch? WHP?

  7. So I need to stay under 125 for my first run only, then I get to go to 135? That's easy, just leave it in 3rd gear.....





    Perhaps but given its no longer being maintained as a landing strip.......so again is the current condition decent?


    See above about how much those cargo planes weighed. Not being used as a landing strip will make it last longer. Without those emense stresses (the surface flexes when the plane touches down), it won't develop cracks as quickly and won't need sealed as often. It won't be shoveled in the winter, apart from that, its got a pampered life.


    There was a 747 sitting on the other tarmac, so that runway appears to be long enough to handle what traffic is left.


    I am assuming, of course, that the ECTA walks the course and cleans it before the event?

  8. I had a great time except when it came to talking to the Devo Tuning Evo crew. JJ can attest to the figurative finger they gave me when I tried to initiate a conversation with them. I'm not used to being snubbed and it really left a sour taste.


    Go find old people and talk to them, you people are pricks.

    Some older fella's let my kid strap into their Orange Studebaker coupe and play driver.

  9. Flex tubing would make some things easier, though I do have access to a bunch of 1/4" copper tube.


    Follow up question, I've been puzzling on this one: does the diameter of the Pitot tube inlet matter? I'm wondering, it if it a larger ID than the fitting inlet into the back of the ASI, that it may artificially cause a rise in pressure.


    On the other hand, the PSI under water at a depth of 8ft is the same, no matter what the volume of the pool... so I can see this going either way.



    I think I can get away with mounting this on the drivers door, and sticking the pitot and SA tubes out past the rearview mirror. The air out there should be clean, and it gives me existing holes to run things thorugh.


    Now I just need to source a 200mph ASI, for cheap... don't any of these come in digital? Edit; Yes http://www.aircraftspruce.com/menus/in/airspeedindicators.html

  10. A tiny transducer is exactly what I'd like to put in the low pressure areas on the car. The testing goes as follows:

    -Establish a control airspeed

    -measure pressure in areas where the boundary layer separation is the worst.

    -Tweak around with VGs and belly pans et al and see if the pressure in those areas goes up or down.


    If it goes up, I know I've done something that works. :p


    The nose mounted AIS can also be used in conjunction with a GPS to get a better idea of potential. Supposed you do something, but it doesn't translate into an increase in ground MPH? You can check the airspeed to see if you had a headwind slowing you down; "I still didn't break 180mph, but my airspeed was 190, instead of 180, so I did something right."

  11. have you looked into pressure transducer style indicators? Homebuilt and ultralight guys use them in favor of a pitot static system.


    I've got access to transducers at work, and I've seen anemometers for sale online. Trouble is, I'm seeing units that cost $400 and don't support the speed that I'm shooting for.


    The RC plane stuff is awesome, I've seen micro-pitot tube and transducers that go to 350mph for $50.... but, they don't spit data directly onto a to a display, they only transmit.... to your $2500 controller and its data display.


    Why not just buy a speedo that uses Gps ?


    I have a GPS, goes to some ungodly MPH and logs peaks and averages, but that's not the speed I'm trying to measure with the ASI. Airspeed is different that road speed and has a different value when setting up a top-end car. I'll be using both at the same time to accumulate data.

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