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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Especially when a pair of N45 magnets the size of your fist fly together with your finger in between! Caution; gruesome photos.
  2. OK, this may be a WTF to a lot of folk, but it's still cool: Principles of string theory explain a real world observation.
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1148758/Pictured-The-Buddhist-temple-built-using-1-5million-recycled-beer-bottles.html
  4. I recognize talent, even though taste is lacking... he has no styling talent, but is good with the camera.
  5. Science Abuse


    Looks like Tool video, I'm seeing the hell out of that.
  6. Texas: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/02/15/texas.sky.debris/
  7. I don't need a trailer. Just tell me "QT is making a WWII film called Inglorious Bastards", and you'll get my $7.50.
  8. Btw; Adam passed on your message. I'm never going shootin with you if I have to worry about my cornhole.
  9. We've got better, we've got The Venture Brothers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzmoImm0kio
  10. Gohan was better... when he got pissed off.
  11. Well over nine THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!? I thought things were pretty much capped when Boo got so pissed that he started tearing space-time. Really can't go much higher than that and still exist. AkumaNoZetto: You missed the " ".
  12. Aren't we a cocky mutherfucker. Toonami carried both, though oddly enough, they started with Z. Still, not terribly difficult for Americans to be familiar with the story. Just as any Manga or anime series, you have to see them all or you'll have no idea what's going on. Try watching Bleach if you've never seen it before. The movie is going to have to take "liberties" with the story just to make it producible in a 2 hour format. They'll get my 7.50, been waiting for this one for a decade. Fear/gripe: They'll make it a kids movie. The nice thing about Dragonball and Dragonball Z, it kind of aged with the audience. I'm worried that the movie will be aimed at little kids, ignoring the fact that all of the Dragonball fans are in their late 20s. At least Roshi is still a lecher.
  13. So you're saying the Law is innocent until proven guilty, not us?
  14. because kids are known to gnaw on bike frames?
  15. No Mike, that's not right. I've actually priced the appeal process, it's excessively expensive compared to the cost of the ticket. You're going to have to incur a large cost and devote a lot of time to proving yourself innocent. These days that means the risk of missing your payments on bills, or ricking your job my missing a bunch of time. It's the very point of the constitutional amendment, you're not supposed to be charged unless you can be proven guilty. This is the point where I'd like them to step in and say "No mutherfuckers, you can't do that."
  16. This is an example of where the Fed needs to step in: http://www.normantranscript.com/localnews/local_story_043010603
  17. Has anyone here been keeping track of this legislation? Wouldn't the solder in circuit boards count, too?
  18. Throgh anodd bit of posts, my nickname became "Boiler Stopcock." 8)
  19. It's a stopcock, on a boiler.
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