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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Like a lot of our own citizens.
  2. They're criminals, murderers, and facilitators of murder. They aren't worthy of the title "combatant" because the don't combat anyone. They just kill people that they don't like. Time to put them in pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
  3. yeah she was better milking her tinyness for the schoolgirl look. Ineffective as a slut.
  4. I support this decision fully. Time for Americans to start acting like Americans. See sig.
  5. Does anyone now exactly where the outcrop is that gave the village of Marble Cliff its name? From what I've read, it was a fairly prominent white limestone outcrop visible from the river. Most of the area has been thoroughly destroyed by the quarries, but I can hope.
  6. Amen You cant end it, but at times they need to be told; "Damn man, you can't do that shit".
  7. I challenge you to find me a single instance in history where this has worked, long term. Where has the peace of slaughter and intimidation lasted more than a lifetime or two. Shit, I can think of at least one instance where it backfired, to an incredible degree. You either end up having to: A: wipe them all out, because they all now hate you and want to fight. This usually bankrupts you. B: negotiate with them, because a sea of 1 million pissed off people with sticks is better than a few hundred assholes with missiles. C: you get your cities sacked by said horde. Note, there is no "D: enjoy the security of a whipped and obedient dog."
  8. Even more embarassing; the fact that he delivered changes before dawn on his first day. "Where's my CHAAAANGE??" "Right here" *blink blink*
  9. Bush's 2005 inauguration cost $157 million. Now that the day is over, how many of you who said "I don't notice any change"? Sonofabitch hit the ground running, the first story about him freezing trials at Gitmo broke at about 6am. Later there was a press conference where he laid out the rules for the new administration. Of course you don't get anything immediately, but the guy is in no way fucking around... hence his 70% approval rating. Of course, every time the guy does something right, most of the people here will respond with: http://lolcat.com/images/lolcats/469.jpg
  10. I guess the point is, the two organizations at war with eachother are the same, in that they'll kill whatever they have to in order to get what they want. The difference is, Israel has better guns. Keep in mind, it's religous entitlement that make them think they deserve that patch of earth. If the tables were turned and they didn't have the nice toys we gave them, if they were the underdog, you'd best believe that they would be using the same tactics that Hamas is using. Like Mike says, whatever is most effective, because the geneva convention is lame. They'd make the mosst effective use of their ancient shitty rockets.
  11. Back of the head, don't you remember how the book (movie?) ended? Ditto though, they have no buisness using anything more dangerous than a starting pistol.
  12. Ummm Thanks for playing. Secondly, I wouldn't cal it a "twist" at all. It's simple math: 1314 (to date) minus 156 is 1158 non-combatants. 13 minus 3 is 3 non-combatants. Who is the more proficient murderer?
  13. So when some one takes a hostages, the cops are just supposed to kill the hostages to get the bad guy?
  14. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2009/44.president/inauguration/mall.satellite/ They look like ants.... or, if you're a Republican; THEY ARE ANTS!
  15. http://www.thespec.com/News/CanadaWorld/article/499769 So, to recap, Assholes firing cheap rockets blindy kill 3 civilians. Score from one of the best trained, best armed military forces on earth? 1300~ killed, 156 of which were combatants. One hundred and Fifty Six, out of over one thousand three hundred. wut.the.fuck Gets better: -Use of incentiary white phosphorus rounds in areas densly packed with civilians. If you want to look up what that does to people, wait until after lunch. -Inumerable accounts of firing on civilian and Aid related targets, from which no Hamas fire was reported. The extremes of this being the shelling of UN warehouses and schools, and soldiers executing a 10 year old girl. Going into this, Israel said their goal was to make it impossible for Hamas to fire missles from Gaza. Apparently their tactic was to bring such horror and slaughter to the civilian people of Gaza that they would no longer allow militants to fire rockets from their neighborhoods. or "Intent on targeting the members and infrastructure of Hamas" really meant killing off as many voters as possible. Fucking pathetic excuse for a military operation. There are two sides to every war, and both side of this one are murderous assholes with a zealous feeling of entitlement. Why are we supportive of one of them? [/rant]
  16. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/nation/6222457.html Those who know the scene know how lucky this guy was.
  17. Apparently you're not looking at news. "Party's over people, get the fuck to work. O"
  18. http://roflrazzi.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/celebrity-pics-eastwood-dis.jpg
  19. ...and the counrty wasn't overrun by sodomite communists, my rifle was unstolen, and I still haven't gotten my god damned unicorn! What the fuck, Obama!?
  20. Except investors and the SEC.
  21. According to Carl Sagan, we are all stardust, so we can do whatever the hell we want and it won't matter.
  22. Ohhhhh dude where have you been? You've been missing out on some shit.
  23. I've vowed never to give that shithead a second of my time... I broke the vow today, only to be reminded why I took the vow in the first place. Pat Charlatan; he's not guessing, he's just being cynical and getting paid for it. Thousands of others made the same prediction, are they prophets? Where the fuck is Pats mountain? http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/4818/patnn2.jpg
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