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Everything posted by Gergwheel1647545492

  1. we went this past winter and it was a blast, don't know that we could spend a week there, but we did 2 nights 3 days and we could have probably done another night. we did the winery tour which was actually pretty cool and it was free. the main strip in pigeon forge is a sight to see, reminds me of a family oriented Vegas in the mountains. we went to the titanic show and got in for free, i wouldn't have gone if i had to pay. I wish we had gone to the Hatfield and McCoy dinner show as that sounded like fun. I will say make sure your car is up to date on all maintenance and that you have good tranny fluid. those hills that lead up to some of the cabins are STEEP! All in all i would say its a good place to go, very family oriented and its cabins are priced about the same as hocking hills. Things to do on the way down.... Jack Daniels, Makers Mark, Wild Turkey, really anything on the bourbon trail :gabe:
  2. yea i know, i had just left there! what are you going to paint gold? im thinking some sort of awesome white racing stripe would be the ticket for me.
  3. saw your car headed out 161 last night. that thing is fucking sexy!! However, i would like to know more about this race paint you speak of?
  4. If you come unannounced then how will i know when you arrive!!!!
  5. I think Kyle and I are going to head up Saturday and camp Saturday night. We will be in touch with you Joseph.
  6. wish my friends would read this!!! shit is expensive!
  7. I went to G&R in waldo for dinner, you should have called me and i would have invited you to come with me.
  8. i will be there around 8am, and i will leave crying like a bitch if it gets above 90*
  9. steve has a really nice woman's bike, i got the man bike from him already. it will be $$$ but they are worth the money
  10. is this exit open again? i know it was closed for a while.
  11. sounds like you aren't getting enough suction. you said you already replaced the impeller? have you run the boat without water at all? that will ruin that little impeller very fast! other than that the cooling system on boats is super simple and I don't know of anything else.
  12. does this have the cooling system in the boat? or does this draw the water in from the outdrive?
  13. since there will be no lap times provided i was just wondering what everyone will be using to keep track of their times? was thinking about getting an app for my phone (http://www.trackaroo.com) but i was wondering if there is something better out there for it. Also i just signed up and there are still plenty of spots open!
  14. i have still been following a mostly paleo diet and i am down 20 lbs since starting. I am not super strict with it, i wish i could be, but just eliminating bread and other wheat products has made a big difference i think.
  15. http://www.google.com http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2010/06/27/holiday-festivities-and-fireworks.html
  16. you got anything in the IT field? I would be interested in something in th 75k range. Let me know what you got.
  17. Really? I agree downingracing, just go to texas and find what you really want, and you can visit scotty while you are out there!
  18. at cruising speed it is just a 4 cylinder....
  19. whoever made that picture is a god damn retard! as for the puppy that thing is fucking adorable, but please re-name it!
  20. do we have any way of telling how many spots are left? I want to sign up but will probably be next week before i can. also what time do we need to be up there? sounds like there is a drivers meeting at 8am, so i was thinking get up there around 7am, but then i would have to leave Columbus around 4am, is anyone getting a hotel up there the night before? if so we could have a pretty sweet CR party.
  21. what a waste of a viper.... they are made to turn.
  22. this is true for most city water providers. its because they don't want to risk having the well water contaminate the city water with your shitty well water. if you do hook this up and get caught Gabe there are some serious repurcussions i believe.
  23. holy good point batman! I didn't think about that.
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