well, the new place i moved to failed to tell me that the section i am in, is a no dog area and they do not have any available "dog area" apartments available. I asked if i could get out of the lease and they said no, even though its their fault for misinforming me, the they tell me the dog needs to be off the premises by tuesday or an eviction notice will be put in effect. Anyways, she is a pitbull mix, brown and white, small, about 45lbs, she was the runt of 12, she stands about 2 feet tall if that, her name is sky. She is very energetic and loves to play, she will be 6 years old in november, i have had her since she was 6 weeks old. Her temperment is awesome, her only flaw is she gets a little testy when you give her a bone or any treat and you get near while she is eating it, she will growl but thats it. She would come with a large pet crate, bowls, food, walking leash and her toys, she is the best dog ever and shows love to everyone. I would like to find someone who has a backyard or room to let her run around, if anyone is interested or has questions, feel free to call me, my name is tony and my number is 614-638-8472, she also is up to date on shots and her frontline. thanks for taking the time to look this over