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Everything posted by SVTCobraGuy

  1. +1 on smog/air pump if you're planning on removing the cats. I think Jeg's sells an idler to fill the void of the missing pump.
  2. Town police think my brand-new Flowmaster American Thunder catbacks on my Cobra are too loud. Town cop says as long as he can hear me a block away, it's too loud. That's a bunch of crap. One guy told me the state law is 95db and my flowmasters are rated for 89db. Any good ideas to send the town police back to the donut shop? Can't I get a certification somehow or some kind of testing? I'm sure I'm not the first person to get hassled, but come on, these things are supposed to be 100% legal?
  3. Good points. Didn't Toyota do something back in the day on their Supras with a sub-throttle plate for t/c? Maybe someone like Racelogic should do something like that. Might be safer and more compatible.
  4. Factory traction control does suck. +1 If there was good aftermarker traction control that was a little more "on the edge", I think people would like it better. My Cobra's traction control is a wuss. It's punishment when it kicks in. I had the front-wheel drive racers in mind especially. Seems like they have a crazy time keeping the front wheels hooked.
  5. Anyone see a need for aftermarket traction control systems? There's a company called Racelogic that makes one, but it's expensive and you've got to tear your wiring apart. Couldn't someone make one that simply tied in with your ABS sensors and regulated intake air and boost/nitrous (if applicable)? Thoughts? Think it would be a hit with the street racing scene?
  6. Good one. smile.gif They are an extremely expensive Honda. But then again, they run pretty good too. They sit super low, which is really kewl.
  7. I can vouch that 3.73 gears make a Big'Un difference. Pain in the butt to install though. I want to try one of those DiabloSport programmers? Anyone got one? Get some Flowmasters too dude!
  8. Thanks for the links. I found 'em in Cobra Videos Pretty kewl! [ 10. June 2004, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: SVTCobraGuy ]
  9. Try Brim's Import Auto Salvage in Kenton, Ohio. (419) 675-1099 Lemme know if they helped you.
  10. That is concerning. It is 9.8:1 stock CR. 6PSI boost would create roughly 60PSI more pressure in the combustion chamber before ignition. I know Ford did a cast iron block on the 03's and later for that same reason. How about mild boost? 6-8PSI. I would think as long as the charge is cool, ignition/fuel is proper, and I'm not dumb, it shouldn't be any different than 100 horses in engine upgrades?
  11. That'd be sweet to see some vids! I've heard Basani is really good too. Lot's of people do their complete exhaust system. I couldn't resist Flowmasters. smile.gif
  12. Thanks for the contact MJ. I'll drop him a line.
  13. Would be curious to know what car it was on and who's fault the breakdown was: his or Paxton's? Darn, that's the one I was considering. How about the Novi 1000? I wonder what the difference is? Paxton's website doesn't want to talk about it.
  14. Had trouble with it too. try: http://help.rr.com Look for "personal web pages", "ftp", etc. FTP is the protocol you can use to transfer files. Looks like it changed since I used it.
  15. Are there any CR members with Cobras? Are Cobras holding their ground in the CR scene? Some misc rambling.... Was thinking about getting a Diablosport programmer. Good idea hacking the fuel/timing curves and all? I believe 1999 was the first year for the ECU to contain FLASH memory rather than a ROM. Woo hoo! Did the generic stuff, flowmaster, KN, 373 gears. Any recommendations on supercharger? Are Vortechs worth the extra $$???
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