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Everything posted by whitedawg

  1. Looking to buy a set of FD RX-7 wheels, with or without tires. I'd prefer without tires since I have a set of new tires to put on. Let me know what you have, especially if they are as clean as this set: http://webpages.charter.net/joemustang1/pics/rx7%20wheels.jpg CA$H money in hand for immediate purchase, I'd rather buy local to avoid shipping costs.
  2. I bought the air compressor brand new from Harbor Freight exactly a month ago, had to get a compressor to use while my larger one was getting fixed. It runs on normal household electricity, 120v. 3HP motor, 21 gallon tank. It was $199 plus tax, I'm selling it for $150. All info can be found here: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=47065
  3. "Track clean-up for someone breaking is $100-200 EXTRA, per incident" That's effin' gay, something you really don't have any control over. I guess getting $2,000 up front isn't enough to cover cleaning oil or other fluids on the track? What's next, mechanics surcharging for fluids left on their floor?
  4. Nice car, nice guy. Hope he gets it back on the road soon.
  5. whitedawg

    Damn Strippers

    ha, having a little buyer's remorse?
  6. it's actually 19% lower Buschur's Mustang dyno vs. Switzer's Dynojet. "To put this into comparison the black car made 730 whp here and then went to the Dynojet and made 903 whp."
  7. original post was from april 2004, no cruise in's going on right now.
  8. my contribution http://webpages.charter.net/joemustang1/pics/8%201%2004/Picture%20003.jpg
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