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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. so which one is you? . . . . . . . . damn man you more time on your hands than all CR's masturbators.
  2. hey jon why dont you just remove yourself off of this car board until you get your fat ass into one.
  3. hmm that happened like a block from my house. in gahanna.
  4. these cars are like legos you can swap full body conversions in like 12 hours.
  5. well I knew one day I would have to face the facts. http://www.3si.org/forum/images/smilies/new/icon16.gif http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6206&item=2493127590&rd=1
  6. wow this is coming from the master hi jacker of threads.
  7. cant be bretts car he only works on Porche's
  8. stealthmonkey

    hick chick

    dude nobody should date someone who would date thier cousin
  9. Some of you know I have a position at NCR as a field Engineer. We are looking for a qualified person in the Central Ohio area. Some of the qualifications you must have are CompTIA A+ (must have certificate), Laserprinter repair, and some server repair experience. Any POS experience is a plus. This position is 95% hardware related. So if your a software guru this isnt for you. You will have to know Columbus as well as how to manuver around some of the outskirt cities (circleville, deleware, etc..). It includes full benifits with 401k, paid vacations, and paid training. Personally I have gone around the country with this position and i have really enjoyed it. It is very stressful at times and a cake walk at others. please email me your resumes and a breif description of your experience. Thanks ~Geoff locke stealthmonkey@ohio3si.org
  10. hmm I'll give ya $30 for it smile.gif
  11. http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID=1597
  12. stealthmonkey

    Shoot me.

    my garage this weekend you supply food and drink smile.gif Ive got everything you'll need to do this.
  13. yeah this is the one we were discussing and my box is empty
  14. http://www.ohio3si.org/sig/host/PICT0060.jpg The USS wisconsin. nice picture huh? I took it myself.
  15. http://www.ohio3si.org/sig/pictures/threadhijack.jpg
  16. yeah he is out of internet service so you'll need to call him or stop by his shop.
  17. stealthmonkey


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