Taken from teh owner Sean:
Damage to me: I have some bruised ribs, a bruised kidney, and a bruised right lung.
Damage to equipment: The helmet worked. It has a big crack in the back of it now. The firesuit was cut off of me at the track.
Damage to the car: Rear hatch , side window, and windshield shattered, console and shifter smashed (by my body), dash is a little bent, whole right side is tweaked.
What happened: The car was on a pretty good pass but went a little left of center (I was in the left lane). When I got it back in the groove, I got down on it again. The car went back onto its wheelie bars at about 600 feet out! It took a hard right into the wall. The EMTs estimated the impact speed of about 130. Lee (previous owner) said the car was on about an 8.20 pass.
The car is rebuildable and will be rebuilt ASAP. It will need new paint, too. I need about a month to heal, per doctor's orders.
Damn, I hurt....a lot.