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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. Got any pictures of it? My brother is looking for a truck right now........
  2. Still got the GTX engine? If so how much? Also, what condition is it in? how many miles? Turbo got any problems? Do you have the cpu too? thanks
  3. Yep, Cobra is the one. It's a haul but worth it. Also, I had a lot of fun driving my 1/8 scale on a mini BMX track the Municipal park in Hilliard. I just talked to a friend that runs the CRCRC web site and he said that they just got done with the indoor track at the Franklin County Fairgrounds. Racing monster trucks and 1/8 scales buggies was the most fun for me.
  4. Minty Fresh- You got some nice looking R/C's there...... I really like these... http://www.mintyfreshproductions.com/pics/RC/newpics2.jpg
  5. Here's the video I refered to.....
  6. I use to race at CRCRC (http://www.crcrc.com) a couple years ago. There's a few good places to go bash around. The best by far was the BMX track on south High St. by the old KMart. Bottlefedfocus- good luck on that 100mph goal. That will be hell trying to control at that speed. I've seen tether cars that can hit 200mph. I'll find the video for it......
  7. lol, found it.... http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd119/npw2658/seats.jpg
  8. Cal me crazy but shouldn't you have put up a picture of the seats instead of the back side of the car they're in?
  9. http://www.imageshack.us/ upload your pictures here, then post the URL for them.......
  10. I forgot about this one.... If you like desktop eye candy then you'll like beryl. http://www.beryl-project.org/ I have it running on a 2.4Ghz P4 HP laptop with no problems.
  11. Pretty much, yea. Very few programs that I've installed needed compiled before installing from a command line. Alot of what you'll want you should find with getautomatix and easyubuntu. Oh and don't for get about the Synaptic Package Manager after you edit the ect/apt/sources.list file.
  12. This might help too..... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons I know it's not for your problem exactly, but still might help...
  13. I would start here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=528618 what model is your laptop? I'll see what I can find for ya.
  14. LMK if you have any questions....
  15. Also install both of these... They will help you install almost all the software you'll want/need. I also reccommend a program called 'Crossover' if you want to run any Windows software within Linux. It's a little easier to use than Wine. http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation#Ubuntu_7.04_.28Feisty_i386.29 and http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/
  16. I just looked it up and stock is 60mm. If you need it you can have it.
  17. If that's the sock size I have one you can have Mike.
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