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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. Ryan, you've seen the seats before. They we're in my 89 GT when I lived in Hilliard. Very good condition when I had them and I'm sure Scoot didn't let anything happen to them.
  2. Isn't a shotgun the best home defense weapon? A shotgun with bird shot in it will definitely kill someone and NOT go thru the wall into the neighbor's house or apartment and possibly kill them too.
  3. Depends on where your buying at. At Vance's (or any reputable gun shop) the difference is going to be mostly price. The used gun might have some blemishes but that's about it. Any reputable gun shop won't sell a junk used gun.
  4. Sounds like you need to go to Vance's, Blackwing, New Albany Shooting Range, ect..... You need someone to take the time to help you pick the right gun for you. That's not going to happen at the gun show. For one the selection at any single booth is very limited and the place gets so damn busy most of the time it's hard for the dealer to watch over his guns and try to sell something. So the chances your going to get quality of assistance is slim to none. Don't go to the gun show unless you take someone that knows guns like the back of their hand and can inspect the gun. Even then you could end up like me with a bad part internally and then your screwed. Dragknee has a good point too.. there is more to the gun shows than guns. The DO help protect our 2nd ammendment right and they always have gadgets and surplus army crap. OH and don't forget the guy with the $5 switchblades... I always buy a couple for friends..
  5. This is 95% true. And what's there that is worth a shit the dealer ALWAYS want way more than the gun is worth. Usually you can go to Vance's or Trader Valley and get want you want for the same price and NOT have to pay $7 to get in. Also if you have a problem with a gun you can always take it back to a store, but not if you get it at the show. I bought a shot gun from a dealer that is always at the PRO gun shows and it had a broken internal part that would let the plug pop out after the 3rd round was fired. I took the gun back to him the next time Westland had a show and he treated me like I was full of shit and he then he started yelling at me that 'He doesn't sell broken guns'. That was the last gun I'll EVER buy from a gun show.
  6. You hit the nail on the head with that statement!
  7. Have you bought from Woot.com before? I've bought 6 or 7 times and have been very pleased with everything.
  8. It sold out in less than 4 minutes. I almost had 3 of them but had problems getting my password typed in and by the time I was able to pay they were all gone.
  9. I'll take the Motorola off your hands. Also if you look under the battery of the Samsung you'll find the model number.
  10. Only the TV in my bathroom has rabbit ears. (and they work great for 4,6,10,28 , 34, and 53). I pay for cable because I watch ALOT more hours of TV than I listen to radio. I'll listen to the Morning blitz and Waggs and Elliot from 7am to 10am then switch over to MP3s for the rest of the day. Also My Nokia 6133 has the radio and MP3 player built in so as I run cable in the data center I can listen to whichever and can still answer my phone without stopping what I'm doing to dig for my phone. I have yet to see a phone with a built in Sat. radio. (but I'm sure there will be soon.) I'm not saying sat. radio is bad, just not worth it for me to pay for it. We'll just have to agree to disagree about Sirius and XM radio.
  11. They're web site popped up at noon too. You can listen on line at http://www.radio1067.com The online quality isn't all that great.
  12. I almost got that too.... I was too skeptical of it. Please let us know how it works
  13. It amazes me that people want to PAY for radio.... I can see a truck driver or someone that is always in their vehicle wanting XM or Sirius. For me it's just not worth it. I might listen to 2 to 3 hours of radio a day then switch to MP3's after the morning shows are over. I can't see paying $10 a month (or however much it cost) to listen to XM or Sirius.
  14. The stunt will last until Dec. 13th at noon. The new format will be between a 97.1 and CD101 from what I've read.
  15. Way aheaad of ya. Me and the wife was JUST playing for sex favors. She's terrible at this too... She didn't even get the Muppet Show. side note..... 21 Jump Street i on now
  16. This is what it will eventually be. http://www.radio1067.com/pages/underconstruction-radio1067.html
  17. So after a little research on the intraweb I found this out...... Clear Channel moved 106.9 "Buckeye Country" in Marion to a lower powered 94.3 and then moved the license from 106.9 to 106.7 in Dublin. As of Nov. 29th they have been 'Stunting' until they get they're format and call letters permanently changed. I always said "Dublin needs a radio station" So if you like the TV show theme songs..... Don't get used to it, it won't stick around. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stunting_(Broadcasting) http://ohiomedia.blogspot.com/2007/11/wmrn-about-to-move.html http://www.radio-info.com/smf/index.php/topic,85661.0.html I've never heard of 'broadcast stunting' before. It would explain why Magic 99.7 played Stairway to Heaven all weekend long back in the late 80's maybe early 90's.
  18. I have to take this back. On my way home from work I heard "Barney" and "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood"
  19. someone just told me that there is something similar to this on XM.
  20. I guess I'm trying to figure out why someone would waste the $$$ it would take to start up a new station and then put nothing but TV show theme songs on it.... Is it Gay, no not really. It is however a ridiculous waste of time and money and effort.
  21. How in the world is there a market for something like this? They play nothing but old TV show theme songs. I have to admit that I've been listening as I work. Kinda fun to try and figure out what song went with what TV show....
  22. Sterling Commerce is collecting food too and that is exactly what I did. Gotta love Aldi!
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