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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. http://www.ssefo.com/info/timeline.html The life of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald
  2. WoW! No wonder there were no survivors. Chris and Eli, thank you very much.
  3. Sounds like y'all need to come on out to West Jeff..... Out here the cops ask questions if you DON'T have a race car trailer in the street and a couple cars (one on blocks) parked in your yard. lol
  4. song about the Edmond Fitzgerald. Anyone have it?
  5. please lock this. I decided that I'm tired of getting jerked off over this car. So I've just about got the old rotarded motor pulled out and the car shoud be on the road with a 5.0 or 5.8 in a couple of months....
  6. Jason, why do you think it's the GFCI that's your problem? If your popping the GFCI and you replaced it and still have the same problem I would have to assume that your hot tub is pulling more amps that it should be. Does the pump sound like it has more load than normal on it? Could the heater be acting up and drawing more current causing the pop? Do you have a service manual that says how much currnt these componets of the tub should be drawing? If so you could amp clamp the hot wires to see if it's your tub equipment is causing the problem. This tub is 220v, right? I couldn't imagine it drawing more than 30 amps. Could the bearings in the motor/pump be going bad casuing it to heat up and put more load on the motor? Moisture is also a possibility......... Hope this helps ya......
  7. I can hear it with no problem and I swear that I still hear it after it's done playing. I'm 34. BTW My german Shepherd can hear it too. He's 4
  8. I would buy it if I had a place to park it at my house....
  9. thanks for the info guys. I GOTTA make time to get out and race. BTW... Good video
  10. It's in very good condition. $75 obo or trades...
  11. Question about the length of the course.... Is the White WRX video towards the end a complete track run start to finish or was some edited out? If that was a complete run it sure seems short. What's a decent time for a lap?
  12. I found the Linux CD I was refering to earlier. It's called Helix. It's a flavor of Knoppix that is nothing but a bunch of forensic tools.
  13. Not true..... I have loads of fun playing this game and it doesn't take a powerful machine to play it.
  14. Andy- It was either FAT or NTFS..... PM'ing you now..... Thanks
  15. My brother in law screwed up and deleted the partion off of his external hard drive. Is there anyway to recover the data off this drive? I thought that there was a CD bootable Linux version that had a recovery utility on it...
  16. Not sure what it is honestly.... It's big and heavy. I thought the guy that gave it to me said it was a practice round.
  17. Sooner the better, it's just in the way in my garage. I'm open to about anything in trade. Any bolt ons upgrades for a 79-04 Mustang xbox, PS2, PSP.... T5 transmission Windsor engine Let me know what ya got.......
  18. This thing is an awesome rack with front and back locking doors. Front door is tinted and the rear is a mesh door. 8 shelves, Has a grounding bar installed and I'll also throw a bag of nut inserts with screws. $50obo Will take trades too. I can't deliver this so you'll need a truck to get it with. http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/2923/simg11407wm.jpg http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/8412/simg11468vj.jpg
  19. Thank you for the explanation. Very well put. I couldn't agree more. :thumbup:
  20. I have a hard time with them as well. Unfortunatly your right, but I'll never stoop to that level. AMEN! Everyone's entitled to have one. Not that it means anything, but you just regained some respect with me. Anything is possible, but I like to think that it won't play out that way. That would be the straw that broke the camel's back for me........ Don't you just love political threads!!! lol
  21. This post makes you look like an extreme idiot. You might not be, but this post really makes you come off shitty. I mean really now of all people on this board to disagree with the way this government conducts business it's me. Not even I would make an insanely stupid comment like that. Even for Mr. Wiggs to say that Bush is the worst president ever is merely a matter of opinion... Sure he sucks, but remember that Clinton had Bin Laden a couple times and let him get away not to mention the fact he should have been impeached for committing prugery. Also what about Regan shipped weapon over to Saddam in the late 70's early 80's. Ford pardoned Nixon, Nixon, well he was Nixon...... Need I say more. No one is perfect and we all know that with the majority of the population in the world 'power corupts'. "Ignorance and intolerance has replaced intelligence and open-mindedness. Idiocy is running more rampant than the black plague and it's only getting worse. I could go on and on about specific issues and problems but the point is moot for it falls upon deaf ears. Theonly people willing to listen are those who don't need to be "converted". The rest just immediately get defensive rather than listen with an open mind because it threatens their bubble of conformity. Wiggs, can you elaborate a little more on your point? Not sure if I should agree or take offense?
  22. 302's are reliable as gravity and will run FOREVER!!! I hope both my Mustangs look that good at 210K
  23. Nice car. Welcome to ColumbusRacing.com
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