wow i really dont know what to say. i would have to agree with alot that has been said here so far. i guess that i would fall into the noob section i dont have many posts but i have only got to meet up twice with you all and last fri was great, i met alot of great people. i cant say that our paths would have crossed if not for cr. its a real shame. hope that this can be resolved. hope that the mods and admin read these posts and take the sugestions into concederation. and not to step on any toes but the mods should be more strict on the rules. and i know the mods have lives outside of cr and cant be here all the time. but that is where we should self regulate the posts and not feed into the bs. that is what the intranet thugs want. hopefully this can be resolved. looking forward to seeing those that show up fri.
p.s. anothy sorry that i didnt get back with you about the venders area but im looking at another building and i didnt want to wast your time with the info just yet.