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Everything posted by mugen

  1. That skyline stayed very close for most of it. that RX7 is a great build and one of my favorite chassis the dyno graph looked like a steep mountain though. not much power band
  2. thats one of those "ghost click" add scams
  3. amazing rides!! looked like it must have been a fun event wished i would have made it.
  4. jaw dropping.... that is some of the most intense video i have seen
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Civic-gatti-kit-car-/110881174302?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item19d108731e#ht_500wt_1182 uhhhhhhhh fail.......
  6. mugen

    1994 Supra

    WOW...... The Stance is a perfect fit. The front rim and tire choice is great that is one FUN looking car would love a couple freeway pulls in this thing!! very nice work!!
  7. i have a CRV for 3500 if you are interested
  8. i am looking to powder coat a roll bar can someone recommend a shop or individual that can do a nice job at a decent price thanks
  9. walmart specials $177
  10. i have a very small palm sized handgun for $120
  11. the media does not want Ron Paul to become president as he is not interested in being bought by Corperate America.
  12. i am cutting a tree today and im giving away 3-5 cords call me with interest its going today!! 614-560-3397 thanks and merry Christmas
  13. mugen


    i have free firewood today in dublin call me if your interested 614-560-3397
  14. i would like to get this please call me thanks
  15. mugen

    NO SPARK ??

    it is a SBC i have power into the dizzy but no spark at the plugs
  16. i have a 383 that i can get spark on. I could use some help i tested the ignition control and its good i replaced the coil so its new I am getting power to the distributor, just no spark to the plugs any help is appreciated thanks
  17. i need a tech2 scan for my wifes car just wanted to see if anyone had one or could help me out 'thanks 614-560-3397 justin
  18. to become Batman http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Replica-Kit-Makes-Worlds-only-jet-turbine-powered-Batmobile-/280730252092?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item415cd3b33c
  19. ammo can be purchased at wal mart (very easy to get) no thanks on the 60.. if i can get 120 ill keep it
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