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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Bought from Antwon awhile back. No worries. Great to deal with. +rep Here. I'll even help. This one is my personal fav.
  2. So you would treat someone on here better than your close friend or fam?
  3. http://raimon.serrahima.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Cash_Is_King.jpg
  4. I thought at first reading of the title this was about you. LOL
  5. BC is right. I don't lift. I let him lift me up.
  6. So if I understand correctly, you asked to tell him today whether or not you'd send payment, but before that happened he had sold it. Is that correct?
  7. http://en.academic.ru/pictures/enwiki/66/Buster_is_coming.jpg http://grocerytrader.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/the-buster-range-of-plughole-products.jpg http://images.wikia.com/arthur/images/3/36/The_Buster_Report_71.jpg http://www.education.wisc.edu/ccbc/_images/books/buster.jpg
  8. You missed how little I care. This was all hilarious to me. Never seen someone admit to the butthurt before. http://themistermen.co.uk/images/MrWrong.jpg con·cep·tion /kənˈsepSHən/ Noun 1.The action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived. 2.The forming or devising of a plan or idea. Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll remain standing. Wait...I'm sitting...and was when I typed the first part. Either way, you're wrong...again. Also...ellipses...just because I can. Like I said, act shady and moronic... My wife and I are loyal. Not a single doubt in my mind. If there EVER was she wouldn't be my life. Still standing (or am I?). Webster agrees. I hate to pull a page of Diamonds book but I'll make lame media refrences. By turtle man do you mean Dana Carvey? Do I look all turtle-y to you? Or do you mean this guy? http://xfinity.comcast.net/blogs/tv/files/2011/11/turtle-man-1.jpg Either way I'll still have your blaby. http://themistermen.co.uk/images/MrWrong.jpg Webster > Google.
  9. Great album. Dem classic trucks. :megusta: Also, Ray needs to get rid of the ugly plates.
  10. Do you even lift it up bro? Anyone else get the feeling homeboy would've never used or known what "intimations" means had Tilley not used it? Been with CR since it's conception. Met Ant before CR was even around. Never once have I been treated wrong by the genuine people. Never has anyone slept or tried to sleep with my wife. Only DJ, Mitch, and Steve tried to rape me personally prison style, but I pos repped them because rape ain't rape if you asked for it. If you're not a shady person/moron than shady/moronic things won't happen to you for the most part. http://www.makescentsllc.com/we/we.dll/Pic?UN=34093&F=C&T=504&Age=1115948381&MaxW=990&MaxH=135&SiteWidth=990&Resize=1 http://themistermen.co.uk/images/MrWrong.jpg http://images.wikia.com/macaronipedia/images/0/06/Thats_racist.gif Then why ask people for their insight and point of view? http://www.makescentsllc.com/we/we.dll/Pic?UN=34093&F=C&T=504&Age=1115948381&MaxW=990&MaxH=135&SiteWidth=990&Resize=1 http://images.wikia.com/macaronipedia/images/0/06/Thats_racist.gif This was fun. Carry on.
  11. Worked a long day on little sleep, and maybe that's why, but this made me LOL pretty good.
  12. Man. That sucks. Not that they'll ever read this but my condolences to their fam and loved ones. Also condolences to those that lost everything in the tornado. ...that being said, I couldn't help but look at this pic and think, "look like the south high flea market."
  13. Otis Nice


    Thanks again man.
  14. What to buy? http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Uploads/Graphics/192/02/192-0220160949-Remington-22-lr-ammo-450.jpg Where to get it? Good luck.
  15. Saw it tonight. Was not disappointed. This. :lolguy: Got a kick out of that as well. Agreed. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/971/Sohardcore.jpg This as well.
  16. Should do a small CR cruise to take stuff to her.
  17. Sent out a mass email and seeing if I can't get my church members to donate.
  18. http://i.imgur.com/idgZe.jpg http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d172/jason9298/DSCN0068.jpg http://i715.photobucket.com/albums/ww159/baseballguru1/TylerRedRifle7.jpg
  19. Originally didn't play that vid since I've seen it a kabillion times, but after this comment I had too. My ears are bleeding.
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