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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. imstock2 brings nothing to the table but hopes and dreams as well. Why take his side? Nothing is so different between the two of them so why defend one and bash the other? They're equals as far as I can tell. Bored Fill is bored. Get out of my tent.
  2. That DOES sound tempting. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v605/jlumptx/Pics%20for%20Vesti/shenanigans.jpg
  3. I haven't seen it but I'll take your word for it. Oh...and stay out of my tent. Oh...and no, I don't want to see your tent.
  4. Fill and I agree. Not sure how I fill about that.
  5. http://thumb.bestmemes.com/pix/thumbs/tn50084250.jpg
  6. Cerealy? K - Mamma June for obvious reasons. (Had to google who this was.) M - Whoopi. She got dat money. F - Kate. Duck tape the mouth shut I suppose, forget about the 687685468 kids popping out, and make the best of it. Easy play to call. All though CR would kill them all then screw away. :gabe:
  7. You sir, are my hero for this day. Congratulations.
  8. Most I've ever received. I thought that was the deduction brought forth. My apologies if this offended you. No apologies to OP. I can build a Lego house, stomp it "poo down the drain" style, and rebuild it. I won't be on here talking about how it's better than your Lego house while it's still in pieces on the floor though. :lolguy: at IPS comment (although I have no relations with IPS nor have I ever and no reason to verify/doubt their skills). High horse? Oh no sir. You are mistaken. I am definitely not one to walk around with my nose in the air. I know who I am and where I came from and it humbles me. If he wants to potate by all means, he should. What gets me is the running of the mouth and flapping of the gums. I find it hysterical. He's constantly tripping over his own words and like you I find mild entertainment in this thread. Also, I realize this is just you entertaining yourself and as previously stated defending him for whatever reason you see fit. If I look dumb to anyone that's ok. I've been judged before and called worse in person. Also at "war hero :whistle:".
  9. Tear apart our cars, make up all kinds of stories, brag about insurance fraud and ripping off taxpayers, ask CR how to help us not be a giant vagina, then tell everyone my parts in my buddies garage are better than what they own? :gabe:
  10. Are you questioning that? I'm confused? Yes, because be able to bench makes you Jackie Chan. Of course, Crackie Chan was the attacker. Again, are you questioning yourself as to whether or not you were afraid? If you weren't scared why didn't you just knock him the eff out? Another question? I'm not sure. Get to the gym. The human body has an amazing way of rebuilding and overcoming adversity. Quit making excuses and better yourself. (I know that is a foreign concept for you) If he did in fact lay down a better time on a scooter it'd be extremely impressive. Why do you constantly come back with video games and youtube clip comments? Get fresher material if you're going to talk trash. http://who-is-awesome.com/who-is-awesome.jpg Wait...imstock2 ISN'T DWiggz?! Catching up is tough. Is winter over yet?
  11. And here I was refraining from referencing it...again.
  12. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0b/HiHowAreYouGame_wiki.png
  13. Owning a book and knowing how to read and apply it are 2 different things. Anyway, this is a LOL thread so here's this. http://i.imgur.com/IXAcRGw.gif
  14. Just...here. Study it. Apply it. Don't try to "click to look inside" though. It won't work. There. I feel I've already gotten you started. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ngzvbfcXL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
  15. Nice shirt. Not my style but it shows off the car well. Love that car so I knida have to respect the shirt.
  16. Can't. It'd get in the way of my penis. My bad though. I just naturally assume everyone on here is male even though I know there are a slight few of you on here. I apologize for being so insensative ladies.
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