Ok, providing you're not trolling and providing this is really your situation I'll attempt to offer some assistance.
Get your girl into a daycare job. Most daycares offer free or EXTREMELY reduced childcare for their employees. 2 birds, one stone. She gets a paycheck and the kids are taken care of. You can get a better job or...
...this. You can get certifications in many things by going to trade schools. Traditional college doesn't work for all. I know people who get certified in different areas and all are doing extremly well for themselves without a degree. My cousin who is younger than I somply got certs he needed to perform his job. A+ and a few otehrs I believe (I'm not technologically savvy as most) and he's making bank. Supporting a wife, daughter, son on the way, owns land and a house in London, etc.
Just takes desire and determination. Go get it.