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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. :lolguy: I got neg repped too...and I go to a CrossFit gym and agreed with him in the other thread. What gives? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=654&pictureid=6772
  2. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/funny-gifs-awesome-audience-guy.gif
  3. If everyone here were honest with themselves the CR collective workout is done one arm at a time (unless you're BBC) sitting alone naked in a pleather office chair bought 2nd hand while eating Doritos with the free hand.
  4. I'm def stealing this at some point.
  5. That's all I'm saying. Agreed with a few exceptions. Comepletely fair assessment. I've high lighted my favorite part of what you said for good measure. Thanks man. Still a struggle, but I'll get there eventually. Really? :dumb:
  6. Love this quote from why he hates CF. That's why I'm thinking about starting it more regularly. I've done a few workouts and for me, right now, it's great. Am I the authority on all things fitness? Not in any way shape or form. I will never claim that. I've spent a couple years though dropping all this weight and have done about everything I can in a gym. I could continue, but the problem was I became bored and unmotivated. CrossFit is different. It keeps me moving. I belong to a great gym with awesome people who genuinely care about the members, not their money. I understand the disdain as my cousin is the same as the writer of that blog. He hits the gym daily at 5:00 AM and is doing great. For me though, I quit going. I was bored and unmotivated to the point where I stopped caring. For me personally that's unacceptable. Also, I fully agree with what he says here:
  7. Moi? Overweight: Check Has a Body composition of a bag filled ballistic gelatin: Check Does Crossfit: Nope Good try though. Guess you don't know as much as you think. Shocking, I know. BTW, please tell me more about how you've lost 140 pounds healthily and without surgery. You're right. You probably are the end all, be all when it comes to health, weight loss, and fitness. Nobody else could possibly know as much as you. :gabe: No. ...I'd vote. All CrossFitters are paleo? News to me. Unlikely.
  8. Perhaps it's b/c it's not that way at our particular gym and I've never been to another CF gym.
  9. I don't hate anyone or either style.
  10. ...missed the full message. Nice ninja edit. :lolguy: Edit: That's fair. I can't stand treadmills and other forms of workouts. If it gets others active though what does it matter? Sure, we all have different personal styles/opinions. Having those is everyones right. Trolling others who don't necessarily agree with your particular methods is just silly though. Such is "As CR Turns" though. Edit #2: So. Many. Emoticons. And for that I apologize...but won't change them.
  11. Most intelligent thing you've added thus far.
  12. Good advice here. Gotta work at it, stick with it, and find YOUR workout. Also, that's more than I pay and we get Krav classes included.
  13. This is what I would expect from someone who can't hack it. :lolguy: Totally kidding since I don't really know you or your workout routine. Unrustle the jimmies sir.
  14. That sucks. Def a possibility for injury, but that can also come from going to any stagnant old school gym without a trainer and not knowing what you're doing. If I heard of a gym, CrossFit or not, where injuries were occuring on the regular I'd avoid it at all costs. Something isn't right.
  15. Neither of them look fit since they don't "hit the weights" and punch desks. :dumb: :lolguy:
  16. You guys are right. Spot me? Jimmies are rustled. :lolguy: http://funny-pictures.funmunch.com/pictures/Weight%20Lifting.jpg
  17. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YJAls0v7_QU/UChrG-vX_kI/AAAAAAAAEUY/y4nIsTQSJsc/s1600/Wonka%20Meme.jpg This.
  18. 12 years strong and growing. Way better than the other gyms I've joined where you have to get wallet raped by the staff and personal trainers for advice you can find with a simple google search. Urban Active/Lifestyle type of gyms...:dumb:. You're looking at the wrong gym if they're doing this. Again, not at our gym. If that's truly going down I agree. Our instructors will have new people work form with PVC pipe before even hitting a bar. Yes. Bettering yourself in a way that others don't like makes you a homosexual. Really hit the nail on the head there.
  19. Fair enough. ...can I has a refund?
  20. http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt117/jasonyoyo1/iremembermyfirstbeer.jpg
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