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Everything posted by cheezoto

  1. bump, had a bunch of calls and PM's but nobody has actually shown up with cash. I will be around this weekend if anyone wants to come buy and get the parts they need, please don't waste my time, don't tell me you are planning on showing up unless you are serious
  2. cheezoto

    Free to good home

    I could use the boost gauge. Ill call "dibs" if you will allow it
  3. write her up on http://www.pickaprof.com/ so nobody else has to put up with her. you can also research future professors and their grade history on there so you dont get another looser.
  4. bump ***PRICE REDUCED TO $4900!! for quick sale****
  5. $425 for just the front seats $500 for front and rear as a set They are mint and include the side airbags and seat belt airbags This has been the most sought after part of this car, I think almost everyone who PM'ed me asked me about them. I am loosing track of who i told what so the first one who shows up with cash gets them. 405 919-4512
  6. I bought this car for the engine transmission and shifter assy, everything else is for sale. Make an offer on what parts you need. http://home.columbus.rr.com/cheezoto/pictures/RSX_Drivers.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/cheezoto/pictures/RSX_Interior.JPG http://home.columbus.rr.com/cheezoto/pictures/RSX_wheels.jpg This is a full car minus the engine trans and shifter assy, it was a light rollover so none of the airbags deployed and the interior is flawless. Most of the exterior body panels are dented but the passenger door and rear bumper cover are good. Drivers Side and passenger glass is good. Complete suspension and wheels and tires are undamaged as well PM or call me at (405) 919-4512 (haven’t transferred my cell phone since moving) Thanks!
  7. Ill take some more as soon as it stops raining
  8. dibs? Im sure the seller will sell the bike to the first person that actually shows up with the money
  9. oh sorry guys, I have a job and a life, guess I dident notice
  10. well maybe not but watching them makes me feel good inside and a little less angry when i see some dork in a candy colored abomanation with a wing and a fart can drive by. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-456486683915974317 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1948433946923483148 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3887556438736867535
  11. ill take the turn signal controls, PM me a price for them
  12. good christ! shouldent that be covered under warrantee?
  13. Looking for a slight drop and good ride quality. Not looking for race springs or sleeve coilover setups. Just something to get rid of a bit of wheel gap that has as close to stock ride quality as possible. Let me know what you have and what you are asking
  14. bump, got a muffler, still looking for front and rear bumpers and headlights
  15. Bump for the 300K club, bet it still runs like a champ. I had a 98 GSR with 220k on it and it never missed a beat, my current 97 GSR is pusing 180K and it runs great as well. and this should be posted in the Corral got any pics of it?
  16. pm'ed you would like to come check it out, is there a phone number i can reach you at?
  17. hmm, ok well let me know if he does not take it. and if anyone else has one let me know thanks-
  18. would like to come by tonight if that is ok. PM me your phone #
  19. If you have a decent size air compressor you are looking to get rid of or just need some extra $ let me know Ill come by and pick it up and pay cash. JustinChiodo@hotmail.com Thanks
  20. Someone do the JDM conversion so I can buy your 98+ front end
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