Correction. This is the greatest pic of bush.
Straight up pimp. :funny:
I have 35% on the Cougar, it was a daily. Never once had a problem. The Subaru is 35% as well. It doesn't even matter anymore. Indiana ftw. No front plates ftw.
I don't really like the look of one window being darker then the other.
Mustang!!!!!!!!!! ha ha. Derek.
Spln Sux.... you missed the boat man. Nate hi-jacked my account. All is well now, except the fact that I don't yet make 148k.
That sucks to hear. Those are nice looking cars.
Damaging her car wouldn't have done anything. Should've told the police you needed to file a report. Oh well. Karma will take care of it.
Looks really good man. That was a good deal on the unit as well.
I've never personally had a problem with the mount falling off. As long as the windshield/suction cup is clean.
I'm planning on doing something similar to the legacy. Apparently in Texas people are jacking GPS units left and right. My boss told me they're breaking into cars that have the little rings left behind from the suction cup to find the things.
I'd have to agree Panasonic has the nicest plasma television.
Brand wise for lcd. Sharp and Sony are very nice looking. Samsung's are nice looking as well. I guess it just depends on the size you're going for.