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Everything posted by verse

  1. verse


    Adrian MacPherson to the Saints. Best pick for the money.
  2. I don't know what you're talking about. B. Edwards is such a good WR. He was definitely a top 5 pick.
  3. I think there's a guy that live in Grove City with one of these. It's a yellow convertible, with what looks like stock chrome Mustang wheels, black top, leather interior. Barely ever moves, just from in the garage to out, then back in. Almost exactly like this http://www.triplewhitefox.com/mustang/images/forsaleCD.jpg
  4. I'll be watching most of it. Kinda interested when A. Macpherson is going to be picked.
  5. If you ever see Corolla GTS's or SR5's you should post up. hehe
  6. verse

    Free Car magazine

    I signed up, thanks.
  7. That's clean. I like it. graemlins/thumb.gif
  8. Okay, seeing that my hair is neither nappy nor greasy. I'll make sure to hop on that.
  9. i·ro·ny n. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning. I don't see any here.
  10. ROFL. I doubt it runs lower than a high 12/low 13.
  11. verse


    This isn't columbus street racing. Some of us actually don't condone street racing or speeding. Some of us, a very few, only keep it on the tracks.
  12. Welcome, make sure to have a sense of humor +1
  13. verse


    What's a Nepolian? Did you mean Napoleon? On another note I agree with you Folkvang. Drugs are just a useless way for people with shitty lives to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives for about an hour.
  14. There's rust everywhere. If you want a rusted Corolla, I'll sell you my '84 for $500. lol
  15. Only if you have a vagina, otherwise I'd look for something else. If you want a new sportier kind of car, get like a 99' GTI, probably about the same price, and you have less ricers to deal with if you got into the scene.
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