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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. IF it gets shut down everyone can roll over to the TacPack shop on Schrock. Someone text me if they need a spot.
  2. http://www.primaryarms.com/PA16556M4?utm_source=slickguns&utm_medium=frontpagedeals
  3. IT/Car/Dog/DubStep guys don't like actual confrontation. They just like to play it over and over in their head how they "wish a motherfucker would" so they could "be the hero and save the girl" when in actuality they just sit back and order anodized lug nuts and water coolers for their PC Towers....
  4. Splitting hairs, paranoia, "tough guy not-backing-down" approach will net you little. Life is too short to hate your neighbors just because you don't get an invite....
  5. Meh, typical car-guy passive aggressive (send letter, noise whirley-gig, and more letters) way of handling problems. What ever happened to good old face-to-face conversations... People have to look you in the eye and answer when you talk to them face-to-face. Sounds like you guys are more pen-pals than anything else...
  6. I have one of those ^^^. It works.
  7. You think she's hot.... and yes, I'd bang her. But she's definitely crazy.
  8. I have a question about swapping a rear ring/pinion on an F150. Please PM
  9. Maybe they will have a sale where they reduce guns to the MSRP?
  10. Maybe you could argue it back onto the car...
  11. You can use them, You have to fill out a "responsible persons" form and also get prints and a passport photo. They basically just extended the BS you have to do. The cool thing is if you buy something that gets transferred in (MG, Suppressors, Factory SBR's) you can use the new silencerco kiosk that does this stuff digitally. (if your dealer uses silencerco's kiosk).
  12. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
  13. Carmakers are like the corporate employee that gets so wrapped up in attempting to look/be innovative that they never stop to examine if what they are doing is logical. So they pump all this money into the development of features that no one would choose to use and then the price hikes up. My new truck turns by itself because it senses the lines in the roads... the fuck is that?
  14. Well, I can certainly tell you that the machine gun market has softened...
  15. New truck, new wheels... need some drugs?
  16. Headhunters aren't exactly universal (although, "search is search"). Sounds like you need one that focuses on the auto industry and/or manufacturing. I can ask a few people if they can point me/you in the right direction.
  17. Scrub my truck! JK, love you too.
  18. I think the major thing people use realtors is for access to get their home on the MLS. But zillow might be a good route... with a slower timeframe. Good luck, looking forward to hearing about the result!
  19. Geeto the philosopher... just like wiggs was...
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