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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. where? I bought 3 fro m3 different places and got boned on all of them.
  2. why are people sticking up for women? Why not just leave them alone so they can get more cleaning, laundry, and cooking done????
  3. yeah, if you are a loser... and have no life outside of your home.
  4. i may have 3... i may have zero. Depends on if the orders get renegged or not.... I paid 115.00 for one on barnes and noble (shipped plus tax) I paid 139.00 a piece (Shipped) for two on ebay last night. I will sell you one for 131.00 (average of all 3 prices 115, 139, and 139)
  5. I say unban him. i like that dude.
  6. http://Http://Columbus.craigslist.org/ele/2527889819.html My buddy is selling it. He is legit. Also, he takes extremely good care of his shit (to a fault). He just moved in with his fiancé. Tv has to go
  7. just got two on ebay for 132.00 a piece plus shipping,. not bad!!! hopefully they arrive and i dont get dicked.
  8. Odd i know, i need a cheap sewing machine.
  9. http://www.failepicfail.com/epic-fail/1107/-epic-fail-1311695631.jpg
  10. i looked in the box and the booklet, no product number.
  11. http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/amplifier/89638/kanye-west-and-jay-z-auctioning-off-mutilated-373000-maybach-for-charity/
  12. here is the beginning of my next piece..... yes, those will be cigars. its very early... so its not much. it will develop over time. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254730_10100281938255504_23307162_49231429_2668481_n.jpg
  13. yep, i will do more with cigars, and soon cars... also, soon watches.
  14. Not Brian.. its a cigar buckeye, i played around with some sketches. i dont think i can do it. I will play some more this week.
  15. Or at least my college degree tells me that I am. Everything I paint is large in presence. Most pieces are 4-5 feet tall. Sorry for the "decent" camera work. I will take some better pics later in the day. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/223699_10100281528676304_23307162_49220693_2149914_n.jpg http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/294064_10100281528915824_23307162_49220703_6530214_n.jpg http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/185318_10100281529050554_23307162_49220710_6747128_n.jpg And, another i just recently finished. its "kitschy", but i like kitschy artwork. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/223781_10100281529479694_23307162_49220721_7487277_n.jpg http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/185472_10100281529379894_23307162_49220718_8120742_n.jpg http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/184030_10100281529230194_23307162_49220715_5628032_n.jpg http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/292459_10100281529349954_23307162_49220717_2017132_n.jpg
  16. Bell and Ross will disappoint you. It's flat backed so it wears very chunky
  17. they are real for the msot part. people dont knock off welder... or at least they didnt a year ago. my buddy bought the k29 for a G on ebay. SICK. I would also suggest buying used. PM me about that. either way, dont buy for full retail.
  18. make an offer. need money for new ecu.
  19. BNIB Bro's Good for up to 30psi link http://www.frsport.com/Blitz-15058-Dual-SBC-Sequential-Boost-Controller-Spec-S-Single-Silver_p_1555.html http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/s15driftking/BLITZ2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/s15driftking/BLITZ1.jpg Asking 300.00 Bob call or text 330-464-0774 Paypal is bob.brayer@gmail.com
  20. Welder for sure dude. Can't beat them for the price. Also, go on watchismo and look at all the unique watches. Should give you more direction
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