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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. Diamonds


    Oh, and to bite back. Pete Carroll Out-fucking-coached Jim tressel (that's my personal opinion, i didn't read that anywhere)... that, and the fact that his crew are on an entirely different level.... like the same kind of level the Big boys over in the SEC play on...
  2. Diamonds


    Respect the running game? USC is too fast on all accounts. Bite if you want, you CANNOT stop that fast of a defense... It was embarassing. Wells couldn't have done shit. Denial is the mantra of this City... It was like watching a lion "toy" with a freshly wounded Gazelle... http://loadedcrud.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/pete-carroll-punch-reggie-bush-father.jpg
  3. Diamonds


    AH, i forgot that's where the "hater threads" go, my bad. and to anyone else --- I bet if Beanie played it would have been OSU 38 to 35... right?
  4. Diamonds


    Let's not forget about... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/95/Brand_sec.gif P.S. - Remember to leave negative rep right after you hang up that Wells Jersey
  5. Diamonds


    Thanks for Coming Out! http://fitnesschallengefoundation.org/images/RoseBowlLogo.jpg http://www.trojanwire.com/images/IDAHO_McKnight_2007.jpg http://www.waldsports.com/files/WaldSports/1216_Training_Wheels500px.jpg
  6. This is retarded, as stated before..... it won't matter. Its just like saying "is that civic going to put on its OBX header before it races that corvette, or not" ... it's still gonna lose
  7. That's actually very well put. I root for the Browns regardless!
  8. I think SEC talent would make the Big Ten Conference look better!!! Man i'm pulling out the one-liners!!! Booo YAH
  9. Wouldn't that make you a Michigan fan???
  10. http://www.petecarroll.com/petecarroll/CMS/News%20Images/winforeverwallpaper.JPG
  11. 1. People are skeptical that it's a tactic.... 2. It wouldn't matter anyways... it might be less of an embarassment.... but the W/L won't change
  12. I will never forget, it must have been about 11:30 am. I was outside my dorm freshman year at Kent walking towards the student center when i say a 50 year old faculty woman running frantically stopping people telling them about what just had happened. All i can remember from that point on is a few of the more liberal students (hippies) cheering and jumping around in excitement that classes were cancelled for the next two days. I have NEVER been more dissapointed in my entire life, i wanted to fucking choke those kids.
  13. You deff. exemplify what i think of when i think "ferarri owner"
  14. such a badass http://www.roflwigger.com/images/wigger/stupid_wigger_6.jpg
  15. http://www.barrettrifles.com reference m107
  16. ^^^ Obvious OSU fan. "Man those guys have a tough schedule this year, who are they going to play next, Dublin high school?" - Kevin Capes
  17. Wheres timtaylor when you need him? Just joking man!!! (Tim is all about OSU football! I am not...) Does anyone (fuck spreads and lines) actually think that OSU will win??? To those who do... whatever you do in life; Dont lose that sense of humor
  18. lets do that! jew center FTW
  19. wheres the free place? is anyone else a member of Lifestyles?
  20. great deal, very confused as to why no one has jumped on it!!!!
  21. any day works for me this week, i get out of work at 5:30, lemme know. We should get a foursome together that way we can play doubles, teach the new guys, and get me back into the swing of things!
  22. Line is too risky, line opened up at 5.5 yesterday morning. Is beanie playing? Now the line is 10.... I would put a nickel on it if the line was 14, but that wont happen, theres hardly a difference between an 8 point and 10 point line.... I STILL HOWEVER, will not bet this game simply for the fact that USC is going to kill them
  23. MY vote is for easy and cheap.... like hookers
  24. Timmy, i told you it was a stellar deal! My bill is down to 56.00 a month for cable and Internet
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