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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I use the free version of bearshare. I have never had a problem with them. Normally after I get done downloading my stuff I will do a spyware and normally come up with 1 or 2 things. I have downloaded everything from music, movies, games, and programs. I had WinMX for a little, but then ended up with a very nasty virus. My father has used WinMX for years and never had a problem. So I don't know.
  2. BloodRed

    Totaled My MX

    Sorry about the loss and hope you get better soon. And welcome to the Stratus family.
  3. I saw it as a preview for Resident Evil 2. My wife and I have a little ghost hunting group, so yeah, we are going to go see that one.
  4. I mainly use Sunoco or Speedway. Main reason I don't like BP gas is because in Licking County, almost all the BP stations were bought by Duke & Dutches. I never use Duke gas in any of my cars. They put way to much water in there gas. Anyway, now all those BP stations are now Duke stations or are now BP stations selling Duke gas.
  5. I played Duke Nukem 3D and Rise of the Triad when I was younger. I loved these games because they were nice and gory. Maybe be hard to find because they are like 10+ years old.
  6. Wow that story sound familier, you don't happen to work at CallTech do you? I have a buddy that works there and that is what he deals with every day.
  7. I would check out the Elantras also. My wife has a 03 Elantra GT 5-door. Pretty good car. Had no problems with it except a bad rear bearing which was fixed by the warrenty for free. The GT's are nice since they have leather. We get about 29 miles/gallon with 98% of the driving done on the highway. BTW...Kia is a division of Hyundai. You can also get a 04 Dodge Neon SXT for less than $10,000. Many dealerships are trying to get them off the lot. They get pretty good gas milage normal around 32ish on the highway.
  8. Rent a garage at the complex. They can't say anything about it because in most contracts it says that you can't work on the car in there parking lots. Since the garage is not part of the parking lot you don't have to worry about it. That is what I have done and never had a problem. Heck there was a guy that lived in my old apartment complex in Columbus that did a engine swap on his Civic right across the street from the offices.
  9. There has been a 3-door Geo Metro driving around the Newark area for as long as I can remember that is painted like Gordon's old car.
  10. That is the same thing I want to know.
  11. Welcome, Utica huh, grew up there. Live in Johnstown now.
  12. 100% agree. I grew up in Utica, at the edge of Ohio's Amish country and yeah they came in to the store I worked at and bought wine all the time. Of course there always came the question, can you card them?
  13. I would suggest 98+ Neon. I just got rid of my 97 2 weekends ago had almost 100K on it and the only problem I had was a bad headgasket. The headgasket problems were fixed with the 98 year cars so that is why I suggested it. 98 and 99 came with 132hp SOHC 2.0 and 150hp DOHC. Has 2 options of 5-speeds, 3.55 and 3.94 (performance). I know many that got around 38-40 mpg with there DOHC 5-speed I got consistant 34 mph with my DOHC ATX. 2000+ came with the same 132 SOHC 2.0 and in the R/T's and ACR's came with a 150hp Magnium SOHC 2.0. You can easily get a 98-2001 for less than $5K and some 2002-2003 for $7K. Just need to look for a newer one for that cheap.
  14. I know the SRT-4's are still running on the stock 2.4L block.
  15. It will never get passed as long as the State Highway patrol still wants car to have them. And they still want cars to have them. And no governor in this state will sign anything that go againist what the Highway patrol wants.
  16. BloodRed


    I got poison ivy all the time when I was a kid. My body doesn't like to get rid of it either like normal so they had to give me staroids to help me get over them. Never had to get a shot though. What are you getting a shot of?
  17. There is a Staties car sitting at the paint shop in Johnstown on 37 for like the past 2 weeks.
  18. I think you are talking about jet drag bikes. This is a specail bike well kind of made for public roads not a drag only bike.
  19. I think I saw that fake black cobra R the last week going to work on the North Outerbelt.
  20. I would go with the slant six also. Keep it in the Mopar family. I had a 79 Dodge Diplomat that had a Slant six "Super Six" great car and great power for a 6. The 4.0L is a good engine. But as stated above, it may not work for your application. Maybe with some tuneing and a better transmission you may be able to open it up a little better.
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