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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I would love to have one to tow the Charger.
  2. I really don't know what to say about that car. hmmm.
  3. I will also agree with Shawn. DJ hooked me up last night with renewing my contract, adding another line, and 3 phones. PM'ed him what I needed and just needed to stop in and activate the phones and out the door. Thanks again for the deal. Brad
  4. Another vote for Bootleg. I have had mine all done at the Bootleg in Zanesville by the owner of Bootleg, Mark. My father-in-law is Mark's best friend so my wife and I get ours for pretty much free. Who is the one at Bootleg that runs Pro Street? Didn't know anyone that worked there did.
  5. I just started working for Kingston last Monday. There website is http://www.kingpro.com. The website needs updated, but the contacts should be good. Not sure what exactly you are looking at getting done, but we seem to be able to do it all.
  6. Contact who ever you have your auto insurance through. Normally get a discount on both policies. And make sure you get more coverage than what you think you should need. Best to be safe than sorry.
  7. really don't need the address. Once you go across the bridge or tunnel there are signs all over the place for it. Just follow them.
  8. A lady I work with, her dad is a new salesmen at a Honda dealership in Marysville. Let me know if you would like his info.
  9. Even as much as our country said we have the freedom of religion, our country was based on religion. It is in our history. You can't change history. Has anyone else noticed that as we continue to take a God (who ever it shall be) out of our lives the more crimes are commited. More people killed, more drugs, more rapes. Kids killing kids in schools... Put those 10 Comandments back up and make people live by them. And if you haven't already noticed, our judicial system is based on the 10 Comandments. So does that make it unconstitutional also?
  10. Go for it. Who cares what other people think. Your money and it is a good way to save some $$$. I know a guy that has a Golf TDI and gets 52 miles to the gallon every tank. Not bad if you have a long drive to work every day. Don't know how well those numbers hold up with in-town driving.
  11. I was wondering if anyone had the hook up on tires. I need a set of tires for my 04 Stratus Coupe, size 205/60/16. Not looking for anything special, just basic tires. So far the best prices I have found are $90.99 at NTB. So any help? Thanks, Brad
  12. I am going with our Ghost hunting group this Saturday, 9/3. We went last year and had a blast. The over night Ghost tours are the best. They are sold out for the rest of this year. They normally sell shortly after the new dates are posted in the spring of the year. They allow 120 people in at one time. But don't worry the place is big enough you hardly ever see them. Also most people leave after the pizza. Here is our groups website. Sorry it hasn't been updated for a while. My wife and I are the founders. http://corupt1.tripod.com/
  13. I would check the DMV's web site, but I believe the car has to 25 years old. I don't know how much they cost, and I am pretty sure they have to be renewed every year. And I am not sure on the driving restrictions. So I would say check the DMV's web site or give them a call.
  14. Last Friday I saw a red R/T fly by me on 270W and got off on to Sawmill. There was a Black GTO trying to catch up with it.
  15. BloodRed

    my slow neon

    Nice numbers. I am hopeing to for around 325hp when I am done getting mine put all back together. I can't say done, because I will never be done with my Neon. btw..About the Expresso package for the Neon, that was nothing different than the Plymouths version of the Dodge Neon Sport, came with DOHC engine, and sports suspension, along with some interior stuff. They also make Plymouth Expresso packaged mini-vans and Breezes.
  16. ops, sorry, I was just at Dodge's website and didn't find the SRT Magnum. Oh well
  17. Mallard- There is no Magnum SRT. There is an R/T with the 5.7L HEMI, but no SRT model. And I take it you are talking about the Charger SRT-8, or possibly the Challenger? NOS50-Sorry abour your bad expierences with your Dodge. Makes me wonder what kind of Dodge it was. Dodge has done a lot in work with its customer service and quality. Still most dealerships are a pain, but just about every car maker has those problems.
  18. Glad you are ok, hope you get the car back and running again soon.
  19. BloodRed

    Time to try...

    You will more than likely have to work not to gain weight when you stop smoking. Most people put on weight because the replace one habit with another, and most of the time that habit is eating.
  20. Mopar is back for sure!!! That 6.1L HEMI is a very impressive engine. They have barely started to show the power that engine can put down. Rumers are that a S/C 6.1L is on the way that can put down 500hp easily.
  21. LOL So vary true. Glad to say mine is a Neon and has nothing to do with the SRT's. My 2.4L Turbo is from a Stratus.
  22. My father-in-law has one on his van. Easy to spot his van, he painted cat fish all over it. I really don't ask.
  23. www.allpar.com There is a section on the car and the guys on there can point you to other sites as well.
  24. BloodRed

    Good PS2 games?

    If you like racing games, get the best GT4
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