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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I understand her pain. I broke my hip in a car accident when I was 16. My best advise is when they give her the exercises, do them and as many as you can. I was back walking without any help 2 1/2 months later. I know I was a lot younger, but that is my advise.
  2. That really wouldn't suprise me if it was real. Even though I know it is not. The RIAA is going way to far with this crap.
  3. Sorry about your lose of car and about the accident. Consider yourself lucky to be a live and able to walk away. But my question is what speed were you realy going. I know in your original post you said you were going 40mph, but then almost everyone is saying you were doing 140mph. Did someone typo and everyone is falling for it?
  4. I think what they are talking about is pulling our civilians out of there, not the military. But I may be wrong. We need to catch that guy that keeps doing this. Hunt him down like the dog he is.
  5. Well it happened, photos have been release of the guy beheaded. Prayers out to his family and friends.
  6. I sadly see this ending the same way as the last guy. Him screaming as they kill him and post the video all over the web. If I was sent over there, you bet I would have my company pay for some training, just in case. And I wouldn't go anywhere with out some carring some protection.
  7. BloodRed

    job question

    My only suggestion coming from another Accountant is to put a clear spacer in your piercing or leave it out while at work, and wear long sleeve shirts. Try look very professional while at work, but do what ever you want after work and weekends. That is what I do.
  8. Read it wrong, I thought he said any not many.
  9. I know, I think about that every time I watch that show. I mean they make those cars so easy to spot if you know the area. And the few shows I have seen they show them driving the car home. So know you know the neigborhood they live in and you already know what the car looks like and what it has in it.
  10. The PCM is your computer. It controls most of the electronics and sensors. The new PCM will help with the new air/fuel mixure so you can use that extra power with out hurting your engine. Also the stage upgrades do not void your warrenty. I don't know if the new parts are under warrenty, but it doesn't effect the warrenty on the rest of the car. Were did you take your car into to get it worked on? There is a fix and they can fix it at the dealership. The problem is if you fix it at the dealership, the problem can come back. There is a fix that will stop the oil leak for good. Dealerships are not doing this fix yet. Check out the other Neon and SRT-4 forums that I posted before. They do have the fix for you. If you need the websites for them again, let me know and I will get them to you.
  11. Haven't seen the parking lot at any of the Dublin High Schools for a while have you.
  12. I am not a NASCAR fan, but I am a Dodge fan. Makes you wonder how badly Dodge would be killing everyone in NASCAR if they weren't as restricted as Ford and GM
  13. I am planning on going to the Mansfield Reformatory this summer also. A couple weeks ago I tried to go to Moonville, but both paths were flooded. Also don't for get about Athens, Oh, one of the most haunted places in North America. When I couldn't go to Moonville a couple weeks ago I ended up going to the Ridges. Sweet place. You know there were some very tortured souls there.
  14. Yes that is covered under your warranty. I have heard of a lot of SRT-4's having that problem. And sometimes it comes back even after it is fixed. I have also heard of some people doing some kind of mod that fixes it to. I would suggest checking out www.neons.org , www.neonsonline.com , and www.srtforums.com to for more info if it comes back.
  15. That sounds just like the GTO Autocross edition you can get now. Same specs. Maybe not the same engine, but I know it produced 400 hp. I think the Autocross one is a limited production this year.
  16. Nope, there are things in life more important things than sweaty men touching each others butts over a dead pigs skin.
  17. +2 It already has. Long ago when we made a little thing called the food pyramid.
  18. "Well here comes those Duke boys again..." Love that General Lee Charger. Only American made car I saw.
  19. "Well here comes those Duke boys again..." Love that General Lee Charger. Only American made car I saw.
  20. Plastic or PVC is always much better than metal when talking about a CAI. I doubt the Tibby one will work because of routing. I think making a true CAI may be kind of hard to get a nice cold area, but a WAI (warm air-close to engine) is possible as long as you can get in a place so that it doesn't hit your hood. I know the most effective place for a CAI in an Elantra (my wifes car) is to put it in the wheel well between the engine bay and then platic protection plate. That is were on the Elantra the air comes into the resenator from the outside. So you may want to check there to place the filter.
  21. I have a gold membership also. I have only used it maybe one time a year, but I know that one time would have cost me more than the price of the yearly membership.
  22. BloodRed


    It is nothing to bad to get that done. They put you out and you wake up and it is all done. May cough up some ashes but that is from when they burnt them out. Don't eat solid food for a while. So hope you like mashed potatos. Instant ones a good since they only take a little to make and they arn't lumpy.
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