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Everything posted by deputylightning

  1. you can have a scanner on you and scan police bands that ok, or listening at you residence. having one in your car and scanning police bands is against the law. also if your not a fireman or emt type you can not have scan those bands either. but fireman and emt's can each others bands and the police bands for info on incidents that the might be need for. also scanning cell phone, and cordless phone bands is against the law if caught to. in most states the department that stops you with a scanner scanning police, fire or ambulance band get to take and keep the scanner. goes back to the call jumping and call watching incidents of the 70's and 80's. poeple or new crews and rival ambulance companys listening and responding to the scene cause problems or stealing items and so on. right off hand i don't know the ORC section number for this law. but a buddy told me it might be in the section under possesing criminal tools. i will keep checking for you
  2. thats small stuff. you want to see the secret service swam and surround a building with automatic weapons..do as two of our guys done on bush SR. several years ago when his was president dispatcher bored along with a deputy bored decided to take the presidents birthday and run him name and date of birth through the LEADS data base to see if his license was valid in D.C. computer locked up, in less than 20 minutes a swam of federal agents with big guns and pissed off looks showed up. sheriff was called, the sheriff's office was in lock down for 13 hours no one in no one out. it was all bad. no jail time but it was real bad for the guys.
  3. take it to small claims court and file against her the burden of proof is less. i could be wrong in your area but most state and county law enforcement will not file on stolen items if you lived together due to its a civil matter as to who payed for what and owns what. just my .02 worth
  4. about telling an officer to goto hell here's the orc against it. read carefully you can see how it could be beny to arrest just about anyone on a scene. § 2917.11. Disorderly conduct. (A) No person shall recklessly cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to another by doing any of the following: (1) Engaging in fighting, in threatening harm to persons or property, or in violent or turbulent behavior; (2) Making unreasonable noise or an offensively coarse utterance, gesture, or display or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person; (3) Insulting, taunting, or challenging another, under circumstances in which that conduct is likely to provoke a violent response; (4) Hindering or preventing the movement of persons on a public street, road, highway, or right-of-way, or to, from, within, or upon public or private property, so as to interfere with the rights of others, and by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender; (5) Creating a condition that is physically offensive to persons or that presents a risk of physical harm to persons or property, by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender. (B) No person, while voluntarily intoxicated, shall do either of the following: (1) In a public place or in the presence of two or more persons, engage in conduct likely to be offensive or to cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to persons of ordinary sensibilities, which conduct the offender, if the offender were not intoxicated, should know is likely to have that effect on others; (2) Engage in conduct or create a condition that presents a risk of physical harm to the offender or another, or to the property of another. © Violation of any statute or ordinance of which an element is operating a motor vehicle, locomotive, watercraft, aircraft, or other vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any drug of abuse, is not a violation of division (B) of this section. (D) If a person appears to an ordinary observer to be intoxicated, it is probable cause to believe that person is voluntarily intoxicated for purposes of division (B) of this section. (E) (1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of disorderly conduct. (2) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(3) of this section, disorderly conduct is a minor misdemeanor. (3) Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree if any of the following applies: (a) The offender persists in disorderly conduct after reasonable warning or request to desist. (b) The offense is committed in the vicinity of a school or in a school safety zone. © The offense is committed in the presence of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, rescuer, medical person, emergency medical services person, or other authorized person who is engaged in the person's duties at the scene of a fire, accident, disaster, riot, or emergency of any kind. (d) The offense is committed in the presence of any emergency facility person who is engaged in the person's duties in an emergency facility. (F) As used in this section: (1) "Emergency medical services person" is the singular of "emergency medical services personnel" as defined in section 2133.21 of the Revised Code. (2) "Emergency facility person" is the singular of "emergency facility personnel" as defined in section 2909.04 of the Revised Code. (3) "Emergency facility" has the same meaning as in section 2909.04 of the Revised Code. (4) "Committed in the vicinity of a school" has the same meaning as in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code
  5. as you can read yourself what is posted by jellen100 is bad advise 2911.21 (a)1 and 2 says you can be stopped and arrested and this is PC. for those thought i was talking out my a$$ here the ORC code and it spelled out nothing add or deleted like i said talk is talk the code os the law is you want to see more laws just holler
  6. maybe this might clear it up. § 2911.21. Criminal trespass. (A) No person, without privilege to do so, shall do any of the following: (1) Knowingly enter or remain on the land or premises of another; (2) Knowingly enter or remain on the land or premises of another, the use of which is lawfully restricted to certain persons, purposes, modes, or hours, when the offender knows the offender is in violation of any such restriction or is reckless in that regard; (3) Recklessly enter or remain on the land or premises of another, as to which notice against unauthorized access or presence is given by actual communication to the offender, or in a manner prescribed by law, or by posting in a manner reasonably calculated to come to the attention of potential intruders, or by fencing or other enclosure manifestly designed to restrict access; (4) Being on the land or premises of another, negligently fail or refuse to leave upon being notified by signage posted in a conspicuous place or otherwise being notified to do so by the owner or occupant, or the agent or servant of either. (B) It is no defense to a charge under this section that the land or premises involved was owned, controlled, or in custody of a public agency. © It is no defense to a charge under this section that the offender was authorized to enter or remain on the land or premises involved, when such authorization was secured by deception. (D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of criminal trespass, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (E) As used in this section, "land or premises" includes any land, building, structure, or place belonging to, controlled by, or in custody of another, and any separate enclosure or room, or portion thereof.
  7. if the owner is there, the officer is aloud to verify that he is the owner. and owner can ask for officers not to patrol his lot or run people off for just parking. but the down fall is he will 9 times out of 10 lose police presence on that lot and the police will only respond there to take reports of the crime after it has happen and no prevention of crimes will happen cause why check a place that you can't run them off even if you feel they up to no good. also if the officer has PC for something other than them just parking there then the owner can not ask the officer to leave until the officer finishes he offical business.
  8. sorry guys but the way i'm telling you about the law on just a parking lot is true to the law even if it seems like its unfair or unlawful. do i agree with all ohio law no but i do enforce them. 40 people on a lot maybe no PC for vandalism but could i win to a judge by saying that i feared that a fight might be, or will be occurring ..yes. it would fly. also if you in a area know for criminal acts and they have logged in records of thoses in the area resonable cause lets you stop and ID and log them in as being there and terry pat would allow me a limited search of there persons and being in a car would give me a reach area search. i was only trying to warn every one that a law can be stretched or bent to cover things that at first you would not think that it covers. and in saying that the officer could win that case in court. also you don't need a owners permisson to run someone off a lot and if they have permisson to be there a quick call to the owner or them having a writen consent to be there works great but the officer still has the right to check to see if you have permisson i will say this i'm all for cruising and for sitting somewhere and talking on a lot. and i say if your in the middle of a city area well lite parking lot and toward the entrance and not the store end i don't do stops on those types. but one or two cars in a darkened area near a store yes i do but i don't cite them unless there doing something else other than just parking and talking. i do run them off to a open lot like walmart or something were they can talk with out law enforcement checking them every 5 minutes. and believe it or not it does not take a lot of PC to ask for someone's ID. i will say this some officer take the letter of the law to heart and push it. when i tell some one here something i'm and giving you the letter of the law as it would say in the ORC but in plain down to earth terms. i also tell you what you can do if you think your in the right to fix it if caught and jailed or cited. but no one is always in the right not even me. we all do stupid stuff the violates the traffic laws and others laws too. but i only jump in to give you advise to a point of view from the other side that your not seeing.. the officers. and i do know that sometimes officer do hammer people that were in the right and i want to help. but i never even open my mouth if i'm not 99.9% sure of what i'm telling anyone on here or in public. and if i give some advice but i'm unsure of it always say check with you local OSP or a lawyer. if anyone wants a law, word for word from the ORC i will scan it and post it just ask. i will say this i chose my battles in court, thats why i have only lost two court cases ever which is a good record i just don't want some one getting in trouble for not knowing a law or not knowing the truth. but i guess i will limit my actions of posting the law or law enforcement info to post that request the info. maybe i over stepped my own and some other peoples bonderies. graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/gone.gif
  9. It is not criminal trespassing because nothin criminal is being done. maybe but in does also cover to commit a crimal act. thats means they have not yet, but could due to them being on a closed lot. and it could be trespassing and illegal First off it sounds like private property so unless the owner of the property asked them to make you leave then they can do nothing. wrong again officers have the right to enforce the law on private property that it used for public use and even a closed down lot can be used publicly. If you wanted to get real shitty with the cops then you could have told him to go to hell because he had no probable cause to ask you for your ID. It is called the 4th amendment. 4 th amendment is good but that would have landing him in hot for disorderly conduct and maybe in jail. you have the right to voice a statement even cuss, but acting in a manner that others would deem as offensive is in violation of the law. and failure to produce an ID in this state is an arrestable offence and try refusing to sign a ticket that too will land you behind bars too. also probable cause as writen in this state is anything that would lead a normal person to believe that a crime is being or has been or could be committed. on a parking lot of a closed business leads the officer to believe that a crime could be committed due to breaking and entering, vandilism, criminal mischief, theft and so on. that why the can stop any one on a closed or shut down store or building. also don't count out local laws that are not in the state book and can be anything that is voted in to effect. Ashland Ky you live there and let you grass go over 2 1/2 inchs you can go to jail and recieve a 250.00$ fine a day until cut, legal yes but only as a city law. All the search and seizure laws are there. Honestly cops can pretty much do whatever they want but if you drag them in to court on this then they will lose. you better be good, and have a law degree. you know right: plain veiw, reach area, terry pat, resonable cause.. just for a few and i can recite them chapter and verse and so can every OSP and county officer. and most do follow the search and seizure law plus we are supplied with update cases monthly so dragging a cop into court on it you might have a 90% chance of losing you ass. I was in the Police academy and we spent a lot of time on this stuff. if i had to do my job just on what i learned in the academy on laws and there use then i would be sued. the laws change every month and the way there taught in the academy is the easy strait to the basic point so not to over load you. thats why you don't go from the academy to the road. most if any can not handle it without at least three months traning officer help. trust me 10 years of work, 8 month academy, 2 year law enforcement degree, years of learning not to do as i was taught in the academy cause as honest as i can be it's a guild and not a wrote in stone how to course. if you disagree do to academy training that fine this was not a flame but the advise you were giving could hurt someone or get them in the county lock up. little words of advise: to county and city officer there is no such thing as private property anymore, our scope to act on property has increase this year. you can now even get a DUI on private property even if its your own if your operating a motor vehicle or atv. it comes from a private property incident were a person said its my property i can do as i please, so they let a 10 year old drive while the drunkenly adult sat in the passenger seat and a 11 and 12 year old rode on the hood. a bump then the 11 year old fell and the car went over her. you can guess the rest. the laws our made for the public not the person even if you would not do a criminal act on a lot an officer has to treat you the same or he profiling saying one person looks like a criminal and one don't.
  10. me on a bad day in december of last year http://www.nloc.net/gallery/images/full/28627-145-2994.jpg
  11. alot of good info, but sum bull$hit too. if you have any questions and i can help holler. i'm a radar instructor and 10 years as a deputy... don't care to help cause most of us act like they have some sense and just want to have a little fun with there buddies and there cars. its the young punks that push it and hurt people. street racing, burn outs and things if done at certain times and certain areas i don't normal act ot bust people.
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