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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. could you find out the model of the surround sound system?
  2. I believe this is what Clbsinvaders has.
  3. hahahaha front page of Digg today http://i29.tinypic.com/oielo8.jpg
  4. A Nuvi is overkill for what he wants it to do. PM Clbsinvaders, he has a handheld one that I am not sure if he uses anymore, but he will probably let it go for not very much.
  5. Thats like saying "Who really watches their old DVDs when they could just watch Blu-ray discs now?". Even after the DVD player came out, people were still watching the VHS tapes they had. And you forget one important thing...THEY ARE STILL MAKING PS2 GAMES.
  6. Assassin's Creed: Have it for 360 GTAIV: Have it for 360 Burnout Paradise: Played the demo at least...for 360 Turok: Huge waste of time, as a fan of the one for N64 Guitar Hero III: Have it for PC
  7. Have it for PC. Edit: The main problem with buying the MGS4 combo pack is that it is flipping expensive lol. A 20 gig from GameStop can be had for around $375.
  8. Almost done with the two, then that wont be a problem anymore. This isn't what the thread is even about.
  9. Yeah, I keep hearing different things about the backwards compatibility.
  10. I have a DS lite and some other things I am looking into trading in somewhere towards the cost of a PS3. Which model should I look for? I would like to get one of the ones that is still backwards compatible with games, especially my favorite series like Kingdom Hearts and MGS. If I can get a BW compatible one, I can throw in my PS2 towards the trade-ins. I am not super worried about the HD size, because from what I understand its stupid easy to upgrade the HD in a PS3 to a larger one. In addition, which games should I start out with? MGS4 is a given
  11. The Rosetta Stone software is crap. It isn't worth a shit, and doesn't teach you anything at all. I have gotten way more out of audio books.
  12. Happy Birthday hat and white T-shirt man.
  13. Holy shit, Ford Festiva touge racing.
  14. Crap man, turn caps-lock off for God's sake. Other than that, Welcome.
  15. The show was fun. Mad props to the guy that came in and robbed Paul of his plaque
  16. Starcraft II first, then we can worry about Diablo 3.
  17. Shit Goeke, sorry to hear this man.
  18. Wow, working in that field I find that really interesting stuff. There is something I just love about certain telecommunication mediums.
  19. I agree that the MODIS is an incredibly useful tool. So much shit you can look at and mess with with that thing.
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