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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Rally Pat

    My new toy.

    the LS1 will always be better than the LT1, but if money is an issue then the LT1 is the way to go. You will still make a fast car, no matter what you choose. There are other mounting kits too, like Ford V8's and Chevy V6's, as well as Ford 2.3 turbo.
  2. Rally Pat

    My new toy.

    You need to invest some time in Google before posting responses like this.
  3. CTS-V's are sweet cars. They are 4 door corvettes, I don't care how you cut it. There are 1 or 2 guys that autocross CTS-V's regularly. They sound amazing with exhausts on them, and on the whole are the only sedan of that size that I would willingly own.
  4. Why? Didnt feel like getting Rick Roll'd today?
  5. and there are a lot of old cars in it. Check it. www.intuh.net/barnfinds/afa70.htm
  6. For the last fucking time, DONT DEAL WITH DENNY DOTSON.
  7. Rally Pat


    Heh, he had some help.
  8. I dont know what is funnier, a stupid guy or a woman named "Gay".
  9. Well, there isn't much to the head on this thing. If you worked hard non stop, maybe a few hours job. Felpro replacement is 99.00.
  10. If it is played, it probobly wont be 1.6. Source is what most everyone plays. You may find a 1.6 server, but it usually doesnt happen.
  11. :\ http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37327&page=1&highlight=lions
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/search.php?searchid=180041&pp=25&page=1
  13. also make sure there is no electromagnetic interference near the router.
  14. Rally Pat


    Are you the guy that blew the head off of a turbo Audi?
  15. I know another guy on here who was trying to get his LT1 tuned too. He asked RUTAN TA, but he said he couldn't do it. Ill try to contact him.
  16. Rally Pat

    new guy

    If it is Kepp's old one with a broken transmission and a rough body, then its the one that I almost bought. I was so close that I had my checkbook in my hand, I backed out of the deal because he was really honest with me about what needed done to it. It was more than I was willing invest the time and money into.
  17. You know...now that I think about it.... Brian is like a black Vin Diesel.
  18. "And before she can even get her knickers on, Ive seen everything..." ha ha ha classic
  19. Rally Pat

    new guy

    oh dont tell me you bought Brian Kepp's.....
  20. Yeah, I could learn the tuning myself, but I would much rather not risk having my motor burst into flames. I just want to get a base tune going at least, then I could do the fine tuning myself.
  21. I am here with them too, and we just noticed that there is a lady in a malibu across the street who hasnt moved in two hours. We think she might be dead.
  22. I just want to know if there is anyone on here who can tune a megasquirt on the dyno, and maybe for different power settings (like drag, autocross, ect)? I am taking notes for my upcoming project.
  23. heh we not did shoot those, but sean loaned out his camera Edit: added in the one word that was missing that would make this entire sentence make sense
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