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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Bump, $50 each or they are going on CL
  2. So you will be cone dodging this year with this, right?
  3. What the hell happened in this thread? I see edited posts everywhere, have no freaking clue what it was about, and am sort of wondering what went down.
  4. I dont play DDR, anymore anyway. I have a machine that has been all I have used at home, in combination with situps and pushups.
  5. Dance Dance Revolution......You know....most popular arcade game of all time......
  6. Yes, I have always been the fat kid. Before summer, I weighed well over 300lbs. I got down to 280 around summer's end, and down to 260 at the start of the CR Weight loss contest. I wont reveal what I am at now, lets just say that I had to go shopping the other day .
  7. Rally Pat

    Top Gear

    6 Hour long, commercialess, studio shot episodes of something takes a long time to create.
  8. Rally Pat

    Top Gear

    There is BBC America, but unfortunately they haven't picked up Top Gear. Not yet, anyway.
  9. Rally Pat

    Top Gear

    There was an american cut of the british one for about 3 seconds, but it sucked. Just download the actual episodes from FinalGear.com Reminder: The last episode of the season was on Sunday, there will be a special released in the next few weeks, and the show will return in the summer.
  10. Rally Pat

    CS anyone?

    http://www.whempys.com LAN is this weekend, come and tell your friends.
  11. Dont remember how much parking is, but I think it is worth going. It is mostly production cars, but they usually have a small section set aside for custom/aftermarket stuff.
  12. Do you have AIM? I want to ask you a few questions about my mk I.
  13. Is this the place by that Papa Johns? I hear they do good work.
  14. I will definitely be asking for you as an instructor, Mr. B. Currently, I am still trying to get that little suspension issue sorted out, and trying to track down some slicks if possible.
  15. hmm I wonder if they will fit my car.... lol
  16. http://www.amazon.com/Netgear-FS524-24-Port-Rackmount-Ethernet/dp/B00004Y7LQ Asking $75 each.
  17. lol dont fall asleep on the bus, I wish I had taken the picture a split second faster, he was just waking up when my slow camera phone took that one. It was much funnier when he was asleep. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/Canada%202007/DSC00154.jpg This is my friend Ben. A guy on the bus also took a video of me slapping him awake, I am trying to get that one from him. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/Canada%202007/DSC00085.jpg
  18. I dont know what LJ's problem with Safelite is aside from money, but my family has used them 3 times in my life. Every time they have done an amazing job, and very speedy too.
  19. I didn't want to suggest that yet, but yes. Go download Firefox.
  20. It could be any number of things, but usually when people get that kind of error associated with AIM profiles (which are just simple web pages) then I usually point to an AIM virus.
  21. No, I am saying that most idiot teenagers who spend their days on MySpace and Facebook downloading the latest "custom smiley" programs are too dumb to realize they might have a virus that they are spreading to others.
  22. VB Script virus? They are really popular with the ignorant AIM crowd.
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