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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. *insert obligatory post ressurection insult*
  2. its just a Cameo, at the very end of the movie. Thats what I was mentioning when I said I didnt like what happened at the end.
  3. Rally Pat


    Normally thats true, but I drive a van for right now. The Olds has a blown starter and has been sitting in the driveway for a while now. I could fix it easily, just too lazy. One night at the Schott about 2 months ago, I saw a completely riced out Tercel, that had one of those muffler inserts that makes your car sound like its spooling up a turbo. Scariest piece of shit I had ever seen.
  4. At least its more normal than shitting on people's faces, dicks getting cut off, and guys sucking their own dicks.
  5. Rally Pat


    I think you missed the post above yours.
  6. Rally Pat


    When I go there, I feel like and indian chief. I say "Look, Squatting Dump, rice - as far as the eye can see!"
  7. Rally Pat


    Let me rephrase. Nobody IMPORTANT goes to the Schott anymore.
  8. That would have been my reaction. The SR20 and the RB26 dont look anything alike. I personally would have given them the backhand. And you're right, they didnt say it in the movie, but on the posters they were giving out they had a whole big list of words on the back composed of cars and drift terms. Sure enough on the list was "Hachiroku", and a brief description of what it was.
  9. Twinkie didnt do shit, played bitch to everyone the whole movie.
  10. I havent, but the guy who started Whempys LAN has.
  11. Top Gear viewers win again They went into this on the Ford GT episode of Top Gear. Also, compared to other Le Mans cars, the Ford GT is really slow....
  12. Ok, so I figured I would get this out of the way and be as unbiased as possible.... I saw it yesterday, for free mind you. Brenden (77nova) works at AMC Easton and got us tickets. Corolla fanatics, yes its in the movie, get ready to sell your cars for bagillions of dollars. Oh and by the way its refered to as a HACHIROKU (verse). The story was so-so, I probobly liked it because I am hardcore into japanese culture. Brenden said he didnt like it. The action scenes were good, and I dug all of the cars that had been converted to RWD like the Evo in it. Brenden agreed. What I didnt like: That poor Mustang at the end that they put an RB26 in, however they justify why they did it in the story. Brenden said it was a straight up sacreligious, which I would of too if they hadnt given any reason for having used it. I also didnt like what happened at the very end. If you see the movie, you will know what I am saying. I also didnt like the main character's accent, it got on your nerves quick. I guess what I am trying to say is, much to my own suprise, that this may be the first of the Fast and the Furious movies that was done right. They go into very technical stuff about drifting, even explaining clutch kicks, power over, and ebrake control. Oh and I was also very happy to see that the Drift King himself, Keiichi Tsuchiya, is in the movie as a fisherman who critiques the main character's driving.
  13. +6, I like playing console games that are meant to be console games, hitman is meant for PC. Also, it will look 6000 times better on a PC than it ever will on an Xbox.
  14. Major Leauge Soccer makes gaskets????
  15. You can make your own omnidirectional wireless antennas for cheap. Ive been working on a directional one made from an old DirecTV dish. I hope to get it completed so I can find a nice high parking garage downtown and test it out
  16. This thread has been upgraded to a level 6 E-Cockfight
  17. First things first, LAPtop. Second, BETHEL road. Third, IBM's used equipment page is where I got my laptop. Thinkpad R40 for $500 even. The only things wrong with these are usually minor dinks and scratches.
  18. Rally Pat


    Nobody goes to the Schott anymore, its the thrift store now.
  19. http://gorillamask.net/rollinsaget.shtml
  20. Not just NWS, but NSS - Not Stomach Safe
  21. Some of the parking garages downtown make GREAT back drops.
  22. It was funny watching Thorne drive your GTO around the lot the other night, we saw him on our way out to go buy the raffle prizes.
  23. MAG and Toy Barn. They are right next to each other, ironically.
  24. the test creeped me out too much to let me finish....
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