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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. $15 if you are confirmed, $20 if you arent
  2. Its one of the easiest GM produced cars to steal.
  3. There is no Jeremy Clarkson, they officially have no right to call themselves a quote website.
  4. pfft the house isnt as sweet as Nuge, though.
  5. It was on AOTS about 2 days ago. ....not that I still watch that show, I was sick and there was nothing else on TV.
  6. right....talking about something besides snow now: I believe the metric system is better than the US system in every form. Its much easier to do metric math also. Now, i cant eye "mm" per say, but I am pretty good at eyeing "cm". this is where the easy math comes in. to turn mm to cm, move the decimal place to the left once. there you go. When it comes to certain US measurments, I end up going to go look them up. Metric is way easier.
  7. Damn they really do have some sweet deals, the website looks a little sketchy though. Are you sure they are legit?
  8. Im curious, where is this car at. I hope this isnt the one that I have been looking at for 3 months and am still trying to save up to buy.
  9. They are Canadian. And I am pretty sure that that episode of Pure Pwange was released in stone tablet form also.
  10. Yeah thorne, if they are flat panels i might buy one. Ive already got a 21 in flatscreen CRT
  11. i understand mang, but unfortunately i am pretty happy with Cingular. Although, if you do just so happen to come accross a SIM enabled phone...hit me up (especially if its something like a razr or something)
  12. I love shoguns, they are like GoKarts
  13. OMG WTF HAW 7 (hawt) GO DF (Go DarkForumula)
  14. Just go to Germany and run the Autobahn over and over and over ....thats like being on a Tropical Vacation, right?
  15. Nuge already lives in the middle of the forest in a big log cabbin, and I am pretty sure he is happy where he is.
  16. i highly suggest going new for this, i have a friend who knew a guy that was killed by a second hand propane tank. It exploded when he lit his grill.
  17. Yeah, you are probobly right Joe. I just though I would give it another chance. -Mega
  18. Thought I would bump this again, everything is still for sale. I have set some new prices all are obo.
  19. ive got a craftsman chainsaw, and would be more than willing to trade that shit for your car. pics?
  20. You have my permission to beat the shit out of anyone else that does that....cant help the flooding though, park on higher ground. The landlord is a cheapass. Edit: Althought it was pretty cool seeing a 5 ft stream of water fly out of the exhaust of a WRX
  21. No alcohol, we have kids there. No smoking, its damaging to the computers. And the food is free.
  22. well, for the past 5 or so parties, we have simply been setting up DDRMAX2 for PS2 and leaving that running all night, but i think some people are getting tired of playing the same old songs over and over
  23. If i can fix my stepmania computer, we will have that available too. (stepmania = PC ddr clone)
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