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Everything posted by wheezy

  1. wheezy

    1995 VW Golf

    Dont know. The clutch doesnt slip. I was told it had a recent tune-up.
  2. wheezy

    1995 VW Golf

    Stop making low offers. Go drive your miata.
  3. lol if I had a pot plant it wouldnt be free
  4. I think it only grows in water. The picture of the flower is something I found on google that is either it or something very similar.
  5. This plant is getting to big so Im going to cut it back. If anybody wants what I cut off let me know. It gets a purple flower in the spring. I believe it is a water iris. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/pond3.jpg http://www.winonamercantile.com/photo/flower/iriswithrain.jpg
  6. wheezy

    1995 VW Golf

    Ok, sorry. Ive been in a bad mood since I have to sell it. Pics are up now.
  7. wheezy

    1995 VW Golf

    Its been 1 hour since I posted. Read the first post.
  8. I saw some of that movie years ago on tv and really wanted to see the rest of it. Now I can actually watch the whole thing! Is this online anywhere or do I have to rent it?
  9. Does anyone have one of these laying around they dont use anymore? I need one that holds 3 bikes or more and it must fit on a vw golf.
  10. Looks sweet. How does the power compare to a Cannondale Cannibal (the only racing quad I've ridden)?
  11. http://censoredporn.ytmnsfw.com/
  12. wheezy

    WTB: Edger

    Ill take it if hoblick doesnt.
  13. No, I drive a green ranger and I ride a beat up red GT aggressor. 23rd or 24th is good for me.
  14. Ive been to phase 2 3 times this week and phase 1 twice. I think phase 2 is more technical because of the logs that you have to get over. I hate just walking over them because it ruins my momentum. Phase 1 seems faster to me because of the couple longer downhill parts. Also phase 2 seems more dangerous since the trail is on the edge of a cliff. Is there going to be a CR meet up there sometime?
  15. wheezy

    Need Help-Trains

    Theres a little train museum in Worthington on Properiters Rd. between Schrock and 161 that used to give rides for a few miles but I think it might be on a trolley type thing.
  16. Why not just buy starcraft? Its like $10.
  17. This is my dog Mia, a 7 year old mix. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/mia2.jpg My pond http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/pondfish.jpg
  18. wheezy

    user name

    I would like to change my name to wheezy.
  19. Have you unplugged the cable box from the outlet? My idiot roommate's cable box stopped showing the show information and couldn't get it to work. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it works fine again.
  20. Alum Creek is a lot of fun. I prefer phase 2 because it is usually drier and has logs and stuff to ride on. Also Mohican wilderness is crazy and only like an hour away. Ive ridden there twice and I was told it has the best downhill in Ohio. Theres a cross country path, a downhill with some jumps and a rock garden. Link to trail conditions http://joinomba.org/index.php?page=4&sid=0cf2facb75ffc59b418e9e4104f70a28
  21. Damn I should have gotten the truck a few days later so I could of had some free oreos.
  22. didnt know you were on here Craig
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