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Everything posted by wheezy

  1. None of my receipts have the "you saved" on the bottom, probably because I always use a coupon. At least I can get 12% back in gift cards on my purchases though. I dont like uploading my credit card statements to them but its worth it for that much back.
  2. Nick (adam228723) is currently blocked. He updated his email and is now locked out until an admin fixes it. He will get back to you guys soon.
  3. Thats what I figured. Thanks for the response.
  4. I just picked up a new jet ski, well new to me, its an '89 650sx. Do I need to get the title notarized to transfer it to my name? Is the odometer section left blank?
  5. I always liked Mohican Wilderness and theres some crazy downhill mountain bike trails really close but I have not been there in years. They did do canoe rentals.
  6. I work at a steel place in Marengo. If you let me know exactly what you need I can get a price. There is a nice laser cutter if you want more than just a rectangle.
  7. I'm going to keep my eye out for a bike. I had a single speed 29er before and it was great at alum but Ill probably end up getting a more normal bike. Maybe we can organize a CR ride in a few months.
  8. I am thinking about getting back into mountain biking. Does anyone ride up at Alum Creek phase 1 and 2? Has anything changed in the past 6 years?
  9. wheezy


    Its about time you made a branding iron
  10. He likes it a lot. Its a 2015. He more than doubled the mileage he put on his bike this summer on this trip. I took it for a ride once we got back. The seating position is very upright. The bike is pretty quick. Everything seems unique on that bike, 2 cylinder parallel twin engine, shift linkage goes very high and some other different things. I would probably get the fz09 if I had the choice though.
  11. Nova Scotia was my original plan until I started planning it out and it was just too far. I wanted to see the tides in the Bay of Fundy, its something like 45 ft. The easternmost point in Maine was 18 ft difference which was still crazy to see. Highlights were Acadia National Park and Baxter State Park hiking the last five miles of the AT to the top of Mt Katahdin.
  12. Not really. We were only on the highway on the first and last day so most of the time was under 60 mph. I do feel the wind at highway speeds but I can live with it. And I bought this bike to make me ride slower, I had a few sport bikes before this. The wind gets really strong above a 100. All the pictures were in Maine except the last which was in NH on Mt Washington. The best/most scenic rides were in Acaida national park on the park loop road, riding some back roads near the eastern most point and on route 2 just east of the white mountains.
  13. I have had my mind on a motorcycle trip since I got my bike, a 2004 Honda CB919. Finally got some saddlebags and made it happen. 1400 miles riding with a buddy who I met in Connecticut. Put my bike in my truck to get to CT. Route: CT to Portland Portland to Bar Harbor, explore acadia national park Bar Harbor to Lubec, eastern most point of the usa Lubec to Millinocket, Baxter State Park, hiked the last 5 miles of the AT on Mt Katahdin Millinocket to Gorham NH, ride up Mt Washington http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/64478db8-9f0d-4bcd-a2ca-2488fbcda4f1.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/IMG_0234.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/20150901_092627.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/P9010900.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/P9010917.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/P9020925.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/20150902_191727.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/P9030948.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/P9040967.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/P9040974.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/wheezytoo/5adf91a5-f60b-4674-a405-1db77879e0e9.jpg
  14. I literally just did this last week. Took my bike in the back of my truck to CT to meet a buddy, rode 1400 miles around Maine then put it in the truck to come home. Anything more than 6-8 hours on a bike is enough for me and just cruising down the freeway is hardly worth putting the miles on the bike. I would also consider driving out there instead of flying. Renting something one way seems a lot more expensive. I looked into renting a trailer instead of putting my bike in the back of the truck and 1 way wasnt even an option with the u-haul motorcycle trailer.
  15. I have had a sport masters tonneau cover for years and its still holding up. After a quick search they dont seem to make them any more but I would recommend getting one that buttons on and one where the buttons dont slide around in the rails. I think I paid around 300.
  16. Girl assaults guy everyone stands around and watches. Guy fights back and suddenly people jump in to stop it.
  17. Looks like a fun project. Just saw another on reddit a few weeks ago. Heres the link to the album for ideas http://imgur.com/a/NP4FN
  18. http://www.thefirstrow.eu/watch/149053/2/watch-ohio-state-vs-penn-state.html that is working now with a decent quality picture
  19. I usually get lunch at Sunrise Cafe in Yellow Springs. I always stop for icecream at Youngs, that place is great.
  20. I really like hiking around Yellow Springs area. Start at Clifton Gorge, then John Bryan State Park to Glen Helen. Then hitchhike back to your car.
  21. I put my gps in my old jetski last weekend. My guess for how fast it went was 55. The gps read 52 mph. Ill fallen off a couple times going full speed and it has knocked the wind out of me.
  22. Looks like tomato horned worms. If you poke them orange horns pop out on their head. There is a parasitic wasp that lays eggs on them, google it, its pretty neat.
  23. I did get a job there. Almost everyone there says its a great place to work and so far I agree with them.
  24. If you want to move to southwest Michigan, Gentex is growing a ton and hiring a bunch of people. http://www.gentex.com/
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