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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. If you have the title free and clear, then yes, otherwise you'll have to include a repair facility on your check.


    yeah if you have a loan the insurance has to protect that lien. so they have to include a body shop or the lien holder on the check. if you have the title you can do what you want with the money. but most insurance companies write their own estimates now so i doubt you can just submit an est.

  2. yeah that sucks. check with your insurance company about the injury. the coverage will be called unisured motorist bodily injury. basically your insurance campany will pay you for bills and pain and suffering just as if they were the other parties insurance. yes you will be out your deductible. however, it may be possible the owner of the car had insurance?? or if he was a kid if his parents have insurance if would cover him if he was living in the house, even with him not being on the policy. I guess just be thankful everyone is ok and you had insurance.


    fyi - it is completely reason for you to contact him to try and get your deductible from him. just do it profressionaly.

  3. It really annoys me when people say Jesus Christ is why they are still married.... That is such horse shit, hard work and dedication is why you're still married... Some guy who died 2k years ago has nothing to do with it.



    you can say what you want but I do not have to work hard in my marriage. you can continue to work hard to be happy, I will continue to have a realtionship with Jesus and not have all the hard work.

  4. Defense did a good job for the most part, but our offense WTF! both quarterbacks need to step up, it seemed like both were afraid to do anything when throwing the ball, the run game was working but Hall had that cramp after that punt return and never heard from him again, also why the hell didn't we use any timeouts in the 2nd half? I'm frustrated because I wanted to be 5-0 when we play Nebraska with all our suspended players back, but now it looks like a 4-1 team when that game comes around if we take care of Michigan State if not then its gonna be a tuff season going to Lincoln 3-2


    4-1? might be 3-2. we just need to pull the QB and run a full time wildcat with two running back. that was painful to watch.....

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