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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. what size are the bindings?
  2. what size are the bindings?
  3. not worried Glad you had better luck with this one Brian, kekeke
  4. +1 no way would my son act like that.
  5. what kind of mpg does this get?
  6. I would say yes, wind comes in and the drag slows u down.
  7. me either, but i am at work. what numbers it put down?
  8. you should have req the officer at least mark an at fault. they don't have to give citations. now it is his word vs yours.
  9. I must have missed where evolution was scientificly proven to be fact? its a theory, right? so we are teaching our childen some scientists theory of how things were created? Interesting.
  10. Looks good, I will let me brother in law know about this.
  11. 99ta

    For sale

    thought it was sold......
  12. don't bother, my best friend in h/s and college was a thiest. a debate is completely pointless. they are set in their decision. A relationship with Jesus is based on faith, faith is something an athiest has already ruled out.
  13. did you have a lien on the vehicle. by law the insurance companies have to protect the lein holder.
  14. i am claims adj, and the insurance comp dosen't care what you do with the money. have them change it to your lien holder then deposit.
  15. or why little kids shouldn't drive vets.......
  16. 99ta

    WTB - dryer

    I bought one off mike. I will pm you more info on my old one.
  17. who is the lien holder? contact them to see if they will cash it. if not find someone that has a small shop and have the ins co change the draft to that shop. and profit. the ins co had to put the lien holder or a shop to enure the veh was repaired or the lien holder is aware of the dmg.
  18. very nice. I will be buying a couple of those this winter.
  19. 99ta

    WTB - dryer

    well, thanks mike for the dryer. hooked the new one up, didn't work. light bulb went off in my head to check breaker, yep, thats right it was just the breaker. reset and everything is fine. now I have two working dryers, I am going to keep the new as it is nicer. anyone need a dryer? haha
  20. got anything you can send me via email or AIM? or a good website I can get stuff from.
  21. I have been working out a lot lately and just purchased a mp3 player, so I need songs. anything but country. rock, rap, r&b, jazz, techno, contemp, dosen't matter. let me know. Eric
  22. well, I agree burning a cross into childs arm is abuse. Although, I highly doubt that happened. Teaching creationism is school is not child abuse.....
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