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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. man it must be tough to decide how to spend $400 a month. wish I had that problem. I think you need to just decide which direction you want to go. fast, sporty, reliable, luxury, ect. if it were me, I would buy a cheaper nice daily then get a fun car. I know you said you don't want a payment, but you have to pay for fun!
  2. I don't think he will get any time. the lady was jaywalking on a 4 lane highway in the middle of the night. as well as alreay being told by the law to stop doing it. seems like a suicide attempt to me. he might walk away with a reckless op and leaving the scene.
  3. 99ta

    Track Rental

    I would be down for this.
  4. lol.....I will have him call you.
  5. what kind of boost will it be capable of?
  6. driving irratically through traffic is not racing. but I hope he goes to prison for driving like an idiot and not stopping. love how anytime something happens that involves speeding they are automatically street racing. oh how times have changed. thoughts are with her family.
  7. my son had tubes. no infections after the tubes. very easy proceedure, about 20min. they are under anthetisia which is scary but other than that its ok. the tube are suppose to fall out on there own, however my sons did not and he has had two more surgerys to remove each tube and put a patch on his ear drum. again a quick and painless procedure. +1 on the plugs when swimming. hope all goes well. fwiw-we did all surgerys at childrens, top notch!
  8. 99ta

    614Streets FTW

    +1 for Will. great guy and does great work. ps, you do gears for a ls1? send me a pm.
  9. 99ta

    storm damage

    a flood is a flood to ins companies. its comprehensive coverage.
  10. 99ta

    Friday 13th Tonight

    yeah no racing for me tonight....rain
  11. just run it off the bridge st bridge and call it a day......
  12. 99ta

    Preview of a WS6

    can you send me a pm of where and when? I will try to catch him on AIM this afternoon, but may not be able too.
  13. 99ta

    Friday 13th Tonight

    planning on it. going to trails first. as long as the weather holds. paul - lock it in
  14. 99ta

    Preview of a WS6

    I don't think he will race on the street, he may though. sounds good!
  15. 99ta

    NTR friday

    booo. ok, can I run on motor and not spray with the bottle in the car? I am sure its no again just a thought.
  16. 99ta

    NTR friday

    Might head up friday night. had a quesiton though, do I need a blow down tube?
  17. I wouldn't see why that would be a problem. the ins co probably won't ok it but the shop can do it for you. and if its cheaper.....theres your deductible!!!
  18. anything wrong with the dunlop bag? pm me your number I am interested. might also be interested inthe driver as well.
  19. it won't be too late. its the ins co job to restore your veh to pre loss condition and its the bodys job to tell them things they missed. things are missed all the time. its hard for an adj to write an est just on looking at the veh. thing pop up after body parts are taken off and things are more viewable. its good you have someone at the shop helping you.
  20. if you use a body shop that you know. they can finegle thing for you. basically your insurance gives them a check they can do whatever thye want with it. just talk to the shop and tell them what you want and see what they can do for you. the HIDs should be replaced as they were, with a reciept or not. the insurance owes to replace your vehicle to its pre loss condition. that would include the stripes!
  21. thats good. don't know about the price of hoods. I would be happy to check our system tomorrow for ya. I would think if your using your own body shop they could probably hook you up with a hood.
  22. man i am good. can't beleive its going to take long though, thats crazy. hope it all works out for you.
  23. 99ta

    6/6 friday

    actually, I was out there last weekend. was there about 30min and left and got 4-5 good races. yes rice....but if you go there for a reason you will find what your looking for.
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