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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. Yeah your right......let me know when he loses his DL and paid thousands of dollars for it. Ask if it was worth it then. You say he never drinks and drives because his parents were killed by a DUI driver, but yet he has been charged with a DUI. Anybody that gets behind the wheel while under the influence is a piece of shit......I don't care if its thier first time or last. If they hit my family they are as good as dead anyway. The amount of people that walk into my office and say I will never do it again or it was my first time is crazy. The average person drives drunk 100 times before actually geting caught. I am getting sick of seeing these threads about DUIs and what do I do. How about quite being a worthless human being and do something resposible. Pisses me off.
  2. tell him to not waste his money and get a state appointed one. Hes toast either way.
  3. 99ta

    hp712 Hal

    probably wasn't cavin......seeing that he hardly ever drives the car. But who knows....
  4. 99ta

    hp712 Hal

    +1 brother.......very well said.
  5. I have the fastest......but no one has ever seen it.....
  6. +1.....A win is a win I guess. I wouldn't claim that as a win. But to each their own.
  7. Mine stopped heating about two weeks ago. I looked around on craigslist and ebay. They can be had for around $100. I decided to try and fix mine. I replaced the element and that was not the problem so I replaced the fuse and that fixed it. If you have a tester you can test the wires to determine which is getting juice or not so you don't have to purchase both. I spent $90 fixing mine. Good luck! Eric
  8. a scramble 500 is probably the fastest out there......that I know of. And it wouldn't touch a raptor. Do a bunch of modifications and it might. Can't have the best of both worlds. I haven't really kept of with the new line of quads out, so maybe there is something different out. But the raptor is a fast quad. I have a 400ex and ussually don't get stuck unless I am trying too. lol.
  9. The motor maybe? The buzzing your hearing in the motor burning up. Don't know. Dryers are pretty cheap though, you can pick one up used for about $100. Good luck. Eric
  10. 99ta

    Two free pups

    http://myspace-702.vo.llnwd.net/01231/20/73/1231293702_m.jpg http://myspace-501.vo.llnwd.net/01231/10/52/1231352501_m.jpg This is of the black one, I tan dog wasn't around.
  11. 99ta

    Two free pups

    OK guys my parents have two pups she needs to get rid of. They are lab and norwiegan (sp?) elkhound mixed. I think they are 4 months old. Very good manored dogs. One is all black and the other is tan. Both males. I can get pics if interested. Let me know. Eric
  12. I would like to know this also. I might make the trip to spectate.
  13. Man.....My wife and I were just discussing purchasing one of these last night. I will get back to you when i talk to her and show her the pics. No issues with it?
  14. I have a chance to pick up an 86 5.0. Its got 102k miles and no rust. It has t-tops and the interior seems to be in ok condition. It will need painted. Pretty much stock, the kid says it has an h-pipe and chip. I would be trading a car I have for sale that I am asking $1500 for. The wife has given me the ok to buy any car I want this winter in the $10 - $12k range. I was thinking ss or 98 cobra. I need to decide if I want to get this 5.0 and copmletly build it or just wait and buy a car this winter. Keep in mind I want a complete street car, as I have a 3 year old son and would drive it often. I would also want to shoot for 350-400hp on motor for the 5.0. Give me some options and price ranges for the 5.0. Thanks. Another option I though of would be to do the trade and resell the stang, would I get more than $1500 out of it? And I don't have any pics, sorry. Eric
  15. would you sell the saleen wheels?
  16. I think Linn should start teaching that stuff!! haha
  17. 99ta

    Onlines Jobs

    No. 1. I am using my own labtop to do the work. 2. They know I have some free time. As long as all my responsiblities are taken care of they don't care. They wouldn't know anyway. Eric
  18. 99ta

    Onlines Jobs

    Ok....I have quite a bit of free time at work and high speed internet. I was thinking about trying to do something online to make some extra money. Does anyone have any ideas or experiences with this type of thing. Thanks Eric
  19. looking for something newer.....thanks though
  20. Need one ASAP. Thanks Eric
  21. I think linn gained about 40whp with his....maybe he will chime in. I would say it is a good investment.
  22. I vote Linn for the new security officer at IPS.
  23. The guys name is weaver. I know thats not his first name but it is what everyone calls him. I met him for the first time last night and I remember him talking about his car for sale. here is his number. I don't know anything about the car so you will just have to call and ask about it. Good luck! 740-701-0194
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