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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. 99ta

    brand new

    nice cars man.....welcome. I have always liked the t-top gts.
  2. 99ta

    Lawsuit question

    don't think too hard man.....Yes I think I should get paid, but I have never asked for it nor do I expect it. no I am in Amanda, thats about 30min south of Grive city. She sees Dr diffenderfer in Circleville. We would be very interested in hearing more about this. PM me.
  3. 99ta

    Lawsuit question

    She has lost the curve in her neck. The curve is there to absorb inpact, without the curve every steps she takes has direct inpact on the base of her skull. Which is where he headaches start. She does do exersices that are suppose the strengthen her neck, but ti hasn't reduced the pain. oh and smokin........ Its people like the kid who can't drive that make ins rates high.
  4. 99ta

    Lawsuit question

    You would feel different if you were helping your friend and he took a bat and hit you in your back. You right it was an accident, but his insurance knew his record and still insured him. BTW - LET ME SPELL THIS OUT TO YOU, I HAVE NEVER ASKED FOR MORE MONEY THAN WHAT WE OWE IN MEDICAL BILLS. HELL I NEVER ASKED FOR ANY X AMOUNT OF MONEY. its people like you that accidents happen and are brushed off as no big deal. Lord you are dense.
  5. 99ta

    Lawsuit question

    Do you have migranes every day? For days on end? yeah...didn't think so. so STFU and mind your own business. You have no clue what she goes through. the kid completely rear ended her at a stop sing in a line of traffic. He was doing 60mph. Totaled her car. It was his 2nd accident in two weeks. He did the same thing a week before. I didn't say anything about getting rich, I just want the bills paid for. should I get rich? Hell yes I should. They make a enough money in an hour to make me happy. My wife will live in pain every day of her life because some punk wasn't paying attention. And that punk payed his insurance to be responsible for his behaviors. So yes I think I should get rich. Its not only effect me but it will effect our 3 yr old son and her career as a nurse. I don't need the money by any means, I just think its the right thing to do. But I realize the ins don't care. Thats fine just pay the bills! I didn't start this thread about should I get more money. I just want something done. I feel my lawyers are draggin their feet. Thanks V8kilr!
  6. 99ta

    Lawsuit question

    thanks man.....The kid didn't join the military till after the accident. I don't know if that matters or not.
  7. 99ta

    Crazy request

    I am not sure how all this works but I told my friend I would ask. He bought his son a xbox 360 for christmas. It came with the $100 rebate. However, he thought the UPC code was on the console and it turns out its on the box which he already threw away. Does anyone have a upc that hasn't been used or they don't need that he could use to get his rebate? I don't know if they all are the same or not. Eric
  8. 99ta

    Lawsuit question

    Yeah.......all the papers were filed within the time limit. Thats what i am saying, we have been waiting this whole time for the kid to return from whereever he was supposed to be. I feel like our lawyers are working as hard because its not a million dollar case. However, after come of the cases I have seen it could be. Eric
  9. 99ta

    Lawsuit question

    Ok, my wife was in a accident about 5 years ago. She wasn't injured that bad but her injury has gotten progressivly worse. Evedently the accident caused her neck to lose its curve. She is in constant discomfort and suffers head aches on a daily basis. We have had a lawyer involved from the begining, but our lawyer says there is not much we can do right now because the kid who hit her is in the military. I called the lawyer yesterday and said, look the kid can't be gone for five years. I mean seriously. My question is, what experiences have you guys had with these types of lawsuits. We are not out to get a lot of money. We do still owe medical bills for this. But I have seen a ton of cases where people are getting awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think our lawyer asked for like $25k and Allstate (the kids ins.) said no. It is supposed to go to trial if he ever comes home. We are with Kitric and Lewis right now but I am serously thinking about finding another lawyer to better represent us. My wife is going to have to live with this the rest of her life. What does evreyone think? Eric
  10. Jim Meades range? I train there several times a year. I am certified by Meade. Great guy and nice range. I might be interested in this. Eric
  11. hey...man do you have pics or can I come try them on sometime. As long as they fit I will take them and will bring cash. PM me your number and we can get it done. Eric
  12. oh I would come get it....just would need to use my credit card. I will let you know! Eric
  13. Great write up! I have been to NYC several times. My first time I left the day before 9/11. And I was staying one block from the trade centers. I was very lucky and it was very strange going back to see a big hole. The last time I stayed at the marriott in times square. I enjoyed my time there. There are some very interesting and talented people on the streets. However, it smells, its dirty, cars don't stop for people crossing the road (they just lay on the horn and we did see someone get hit), people are rude, and the subway isn't fun at night. Someone got stabbed on the next car over while we were on it. I could go on and on about the good and the bad. My conclusion........I wouldn't live there! Great place to visit, but not a home. Glad you had a great time! Eric
  14. metal hanger and a screw driver.........just had to do it the other night. Use the screw driver to pry the door or window to get the hanger in. Time consuming but it beats paying someone to do it. Good luck! Eric
  15. willing to separate? I need bindings.
  16. buy a house for that price range!
  17. +1 Anyone that points and shoots gun in the direction of me or my family WILL get shot back at. And I agree.....get a lawyer, they will eat this up. Eric
  18. cycles r us - (330) 722-0276 ohiomafiariders.com is a good local forum for resources and exriders.com is a ex national forum. I ride a 400 ex as well. What parts are you looking for? Eric
  19. thanks for all the ideas.....I did the banna and it worked.
  20. It could be several different things. I just this hapen to mine a few months ago. I changes the element and that was not the problem. I then decided that I woul change the thermostat and fuses since it was an older dryer. I turned out to be the fuse. Good luck and you will still have to take it apart. but the t-stat and fuse are much easier to get to than the element. Eric
  21. I have no idea about the head gaskets. It dosen't burn oil or leak any. PM sent
  22. I thought I remember him haveing a g/f with an m3 that was modded. She went to OSU I beleive. Maybe they got married?
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