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Everything posted by AhSatan

  1. I work for a concrete company and I know we pay our guys good money. I can see where he can afford a vette. Plus being a stripper never hurts lmao
  2. Ok so what is the difference? Besides the number of hours. What all do I need to complete before I can start looking for a job?
  3. 1) I wanna know how much they make. 2) What steps/classes do I need to take and where is the best place to takes these classes. 3) Any other information they are willing to share. Thanks!
  4. I wanna be a paramedic question
  5. If so I have a few questions I'd like to ask. Let me know please.
  6. You may want to look here: http://www.ls1gto.com/forums/ http://www.gtoforum.com/index.php?
  7. AhSatan

    Hey Phil

    Happy Birthday To You.....Happy Birthday To You..........Happy Birthday To Phil........Happy Birthday To You..... Yes I know I'm strange
  8. AhSatan


  9. The place I went in Grove City had gas. There was a few who were out for a few days but not everywhere in Grove City.
  10. Its about time you made it over here. Welcome
  11. $ 15.00 to register your car at the door and spectators are free
  12. Ohhh I see....Well then if I need assistance I'll remember not to ask Adam
  13. Well the pipe and my tips haven't been delivered yet. Who is Adam?
  14. My exhaust probably wont be done but fuck it I'll drive with it unbolted
  15. Sorry Mr. Spell Master.......Be nice to me lunch box
  16. No wonder so many people lurk around on CR and don't post. No one on here can be nice and helpful they always have smart ass comments. If you cant help him dont post.
  17. Well just remember who your friends were when you first moved here and didn't know anyone. But I guess people change when they become "cool"
  18. John you use to live there so I don't wanna hear your shit. I dont get why there is all this talk about Grove City. Its nothing special. Just because some dumb people on here live there doesnt mean the whole town is fucked up.
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