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Everything posted by Bad

  1. Not at all. Let's just say that every month starts out with a new spark of life.
  2. Huge amount of back pressure will do it also...added to the previous ideas. Wastegate stuck or bleeding open. A physical inspection will tell you more. I had a Turbonetics Newgen that lost a pin connecting to flapper door..the wg would stick open, partically open, and finally it stuck closed for a very wild ride.
  3. Bad

    GM TPS Pigtail

    Pm with phone number sent. Thanks!!!
  4. Bad

    GM TPS Pigtail

    Thanks. Wondering if NAPA or the locals have them. Tried their sites but no score. I can not confirm or deny any squirting of any substance!!!
  5. ...or found on a 1995 Dodge Neon. Looking for a local source. http://www.rs-autosport.net/catalog/popup_image.php?pID=236 http://www.rs-autosport.net/catalog/images/products/CON-1-122.jpg
  6. Nah! It's the single guys that yell that. Us married ones want you to JOIN us in the misery....er.....heaven! Tony
  7. Nice! Something the both of you (and about 15,000 people) will never forget. Why did you have to do it when I didn't go to a game? Congratulations!
  8. Bad


    Advanced Economic Theory stole my 4.0 down to a 3.99. Maybe I shouldn't have been correcting his ENGRISH all the time. Nice job Ben. Keep it up and never let it down. And the grades too.
  9. Bad

    FS: Garrett GT4202

    I am interested! Sending you a PM with contact information.
  10. I have some rotary engine plates that need need washed. Who has a parts washer? I'd even buy new fluid. Side note...who does media blasting of engine parts/blocks? Nitride? Thanks, Tony
  11. I thought this was a discussion that already had a solution to it? I remember posting some links. Greg / R.L. has the smartest solution...baffle from the inside and T both valve covers into a catch can. What would be even smarter is adding a T-valve to the bottom of the can for drainage AND adding a vent line that uses the Moroso (see Jegs) exhaust 1-way valve fitting and weld in for the header. I have an extra one if you need to see what it looks like. I'll toss it in the car in case you're out tonight. Right next to a certain "3/8 tap." Tony
  12. Spotted downtown with Washington personalized plates starting with HIS**. Fat rollers on the back...very clean car. No, beautiful car. Anyone seen it or know whose it is?
  13. Thank you, Greg. There is a small matter of a 3/8" tap I need to return to Tank and this might be the best excuse to finally get that back to him. It's in my car for so long now I've hung it from the rear-view mirror. Tony
  14. Awesome. What is ETA? I have 3 projects for you too, Matt. Going to put them in the car for drop off tomorrow...if you will be at work? Also, pm me your cell number again. Thanks. Tony
  15. Does anyone know of a fender rolling tool available locally? Talking about something other than a baseball bat. They look like this: http://www.tirerack.com/images/accessories/product_images/medium/fenderlip.jpg
  16. Rebuild it better than before...stronger....faster....with sticker tires and traction control so we don't sit and spin when you go WOT at 4500rpm in 3rd gear at only 12psi?
  17. Mike, I know you're thinking about parting the car out...so this is a plea...ney...the start of a chant to rebuild the car. Rebuild it! The car's true performance has not been seen by the masses and it's true potential has not been realized. I know what it was doing on just wastegate. High boost needs to be realized. Rebuild it! The car needs to run this year. Your hand built engine with the right turbo, the custom turbo manifold, the porting magic of the manifolds, my tuning, this is all too much to let go of. Rebuild it!
  18. So when do you want to tune? Next weekend? That enough time to build it back up again? Oh, you'll have to wait for the insurance adjustor. So probably rebuilt from the ground up by Friday I am guessing? Get busy.
  19. Both will be dialed...tightly.
  20. I have two left. Was thinking about putting drag tires on them. Great condition, no rash. How much you want to pay? Tony
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